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*Severus' POV*

I was stunned when her visuals clouded my mind all day. I could tell she was uncomfortable and didn't exactly know how to deal with her urges. I was growing furious the more she drove me wild. I could no longer block out her mind from mine and was extremely relieved when she asked to leave, although, picturing her true motive was even harder to deal with.

I've never had that problem before, nor have I ever lost control like that when a woman was bent over a cauldron. I'm sure she'll be the death of me, there was no doubt about that. Luckily, I could calm myself without taking action, but that didn't help when all I could think about was her relieving herself.

I slammed my hands on my desk and took a deep breath. I needed to get a hold of myself, I was a man and she was a child.

The day progressed better after lunch, she seemed to have pushed those thoughts away and instead focused more on reading from my potions books with the rest of the class. By the end of the week, I was a bit proud of her, trying her hardest to learn more, but every time a nice thought came to mind, I irritably pushed it away.

Tobias didn't seem to be a problem this week, yet, and at dinner we sat and ate quietly. It wasn't until after dinner that she disappeared and I noticed Tobias was nowhere to be seen as well, I knew I spoke too soon.

I listened for her, but she didn't seem to be in the castle. I only knew of one place she liked to go and I ran there to see the two arguing. I hid in the shadows to see how well she'd handle the situation, which seemed to be escalating.

"What more do you want from me?" She yelled.

"I just wanted a chance with the most beautiful woman in Hogwarts, but it seems she has a thing for nasty old gits!" He stepped closer but was instantly knocked to the ground by her fist.

She whipped out her wand and pointed it at his face as he slowly stood back up, "I don't give a shit if you're a student. I'd rather leave knowing I dealt with an ignorant little bastard than stay and let you off the hook. At least he's more attractive than you'll ever be, probably bigger than you, too." I actually snorted at her comment.

I was amused by how well she dominated until he knocked her wand away and slammed her back. I could see it in her eyes, the fear of Cyrus being brought back, and all her confidence diminished, "I just wanted one chance, and you were too selfish to even try." He forced himself on top of her and crashed his face into her, making her cry out as his hand started wandering around places it shouldn't.

"Mr Green, I would advise for you to return to the castle and pack your bags. You're expelled." Kiah looked up at me with the saddest of eyes that made me twist with hatred towards the boy. He backed off with the sudden realization of what he did. He turned toward her with tears in his eyes and began apologizing, begging for forgiveness. That's when I realized it was never him, it was the same man controlling him that invaded Kiah's dreams.

It showed that he was truly weak and to prevent further incidents, I stood by my decision to expel him, at least until he found the true perpetrator. I grabbed him by his robe and flung him toward the castle. I turned toward Kiah, who was now hiding her face in her hands. Without thinking, I roughly grabbed her and pulled her into my lap while rubbing her back. She turned into my chest without even questioning what I was doing.

I quickly realized what I was doing and had every intention to push her away, until I looked down and was utterly heartbroken by the way she clung to me, as if she trusted me to protect her, "you won't have to worry about him, anymore." I quietly comforted her.

*Kiah's POV*

After a while, he escorted me back to my dorm and left without saying a word. I made straight for the bed and laid there until midnight, afraid to sleep, but my body was too exhausted to stay awake.

This nightmare was produced by myself, my own fear.

I stood naked in front of a mirror, seeing all my scars up my arms, sides, and thighs. I wrapped myself in a blanket to hide my disgusting reflection from myself but it wasn't just me anymore, Severus was behind me.

I turned around and watched the look on his face twist into disgust. I begged, "please," but he shook his head.

"I love you, Severus." I cried.

"How could I love someone with such a damaged body and soul? It's revolting." He sneered and turned away.

I fell to the ground and immediately noticed the ground was covered in razors, "kill yourself." I heard his voice whisper, but he was no longer there.

I screamed with hatred and pain.

Sweat covered my body and my pillow soaked from tears. The clock read about three-thirty in the morning, but there was no going back to sleep after that. I threw on a thin robe over my damp naked body, but neglected to tie it as I was too tired. I regretted that decision when I opened my bedroom door and saw Severus half way through my living room. I jumped and quickly covered myself, "w-what-"

"I could hear you screaming from down the hall, but I already knew you'd have a nightmare after the incident last night." He stated uncomfortably.

"T-this time it wasn't him..." I stood in my doorway and he slowly approached me.

"I was about to inform you that you need to shut your mind off at night or it won't work, but if it wasn't him... What was it?" He asked quietly.

"I-um, it was nothing... Really." I closed my eyes tightly and painfully relived my nightmare. I suddenly felt his arm wrap around my back and his hand caress my cheek while his lips pressed against mine ever so gently. It only lasted a second and then he pulled away, leaving us both in shock.

"I apologize." He turned but I grabbed his shirt which made him stop and turn questioningly.

"Could you just stay until I fall asleep?" I was sure he was going to reject it after what just happened, but to my surprise, he slid past me and made his way to the other side of my bed. I hesitantly walked to my side, my heart pounding when he got comfortable and held his arm out, inviting for me to lay my head on his chest.

I did so and heard him whisper, "the password is Lily if you ever wish to take the guest bedroom after a nightmare," before his soothing heartbeat sent me to sleep.

It was the day before Christmas Eve and I was forced to go home, knowing Cyrus was expecting me. I had a bag packed and Severus gave me some books the night before.

Everything was normal between us after that night, and I only had to take his offer twice, but always left before he woke up. I'd been doing excellent in learning potions and Severus wanted to start more occlumency lessons after I returned.

I sent my owl to deliver the present I got him and I headed to the train, already knowing he was busy and couldn't see me off. I got him a black coated platinum band with an emerald S on the top and two silver snakes around it. Engraved on it was, 'For when you feel weak'. I sent him a letter with it that said: 'You've given me so much strength in my weakness, it's about time I return it to you.'

I sat in the way back by myself and kept repeating what Severus told me last night, "you're stronger than you know." Eventually, I arrived back in Britain and took a taxi to my home. I walked in to see the place completely trashed, "I'd hoped you'd return, I wouldn't want to ruin Christmas."

"It's my house, Cyrus. Of course I'd return." He slammed his face against mine and immediately back away, "you're different, you taste different. Have you and that professor been doing something behind my back?"

"Don't be ridiculous! I came back to you, didn't I?" He couldn't have been able to still taste Severus after two months, could he?

He backhanded me which left me in tears and a cut on my face from his ring, "don't talk back. You just got here and already think you're the boss? Unfortunately, I had to decide to invite a special guest, in fear of your attitude change." I turned around and saw the man that crucioed me lock the door as he approached me.

"Thorfinn Rowle, at your service." He smirked which made my heart stop.

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