Saved, But Not Finished (Actual chapter name)

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*Severus' POV*

In a fit of rage, I punched the brick and threw shit off the table. I couldn't believe I had just said those words to her. If I were just man enough to admit I cared and loved her, she would've stayed.

"You always make things worse, you worthless piece of shit."

When the sun was gone, I made my way to her dorm to apologize, maybe even admit my feelings, but she was gone. I turned to find an owl with a letter in her beak and my name written on it. I read through it, several times, almost on the verge of falling to my knees as the world seemed to collapse around me.

"You stupid, stupid girl! You had the solution the whole time, if you would've just told me!" I flung the letter and rushed to lake, she wasn't there either. I had a doubt that she'd just jump in, but she was also unpredictable.

I, instead, apparated to her house and searched for any sign of her presence; nothing. I used all my energy, apparating to every place I could think of, but she was completely gone. Time was almost up and I was furious with my inability to find her. My knuckles were raw and bleeding from losing control of my fury.

It wasn't until I noticed the bones showing through that one place came to mind; the cemetery. I apparated and searched everywhere, but it was too dark to see her easily if she were here. I knelt down and let myself go, tears streaming out more than they did when I witnessed Lily's death.

"Severus?"I turned and expected her to run to me, yell at me, anything would have been satisfying, but instead she fell over and screamed, light emitting from her body. I caught her before she hit the ground, but she was already gone. I kissed her repeatedly and begged for her to wake up.

"You stupid girl, you should've told me! I love you, Kiah, and no one else! Why would you make that decision yourself?!" I was screaming at this point, but was too heartbroken to care how weak I was being or who heard me.

I gathered my senses before kissing her one last time, long and passionately when I felt heat beginning to radiate off her body. Her scars and freckles reappeared and her hair turned a bright red. Her rough purple lips turned to her original soft pink ones.

I placed my forehead on her chest, assuming this was the final process of the rejection, until her heart began to beat in her chest. I lifted my gaze and waited for her to do something, anything, to let me know she was alive. Soon enough, her light green eyes were shining back at me, "Severus?"

I clutched her so tight against me, I was sure she would suffocate, then pulled her away. She stared at my eyes that were now crying that she's alive, "why would you do that?! Why didn't you tell me?! You're so stupid! The most stupid girl I've ever met, and I hate you for putting me through the torture of losing you!" I kissed her again, but she was still stunned.

"Do you think I'd let just any woman sleep with me?! Do you think I would even care about your death if I didn't love you?! How can you be so stupid! I fucking love you!" I kept yelling at her and kissing her in between. When I finally felt I got my point across, I held her against me, never wanting to let go. I felt I've officially lost it,but at the moment, I only cared that she was alive.

"I-I'm sorry." She choked, but I ignored her until she started crying.

"What's wrong?" I looked at her with fear of losing her again.

"My scars, they came back. My body is ruined-" I cut her off and kissed from her lips down to her wrist.

"I don't think so, but if they bother you that much, I'm sure I can brew something to heal them completely. The only thing that is ruined, is your intelligence." She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

*Kiah's POV*

When we apparated back to his dorm, he whispered, "I don't see any reason for us to have separate quarters," and carried me to his bed. We laid with his arm wrapped around me, but I was in the mood for something more. I turned over and propped up on my arm so I could lean over him. I pressed my lips onto his and slid my fingers to the back of his neck, my thumb resting before his ear.

I could feel him hesitate until I swung one leg over him and teasingly rubbed myself on top of him. I licked his bottom lip and joined his tongue with mine when he opened his mouth. I grabbed his other hand and placed it on my hip, feeling his trail down my thigh and back up.I could feel my breathing get heavier and myself get more wet as I rubbed into him.

Both his hands seeked under my shirt and slipped it off, then slid my yoga pants down. I helplessly kicked them off when he wrapped his arm around my back and rolled us over so he was on top of me. I pulled his shirt off and placed kissed on his chest and up to his chin. As I slid my tongue down and gently bit his chest, my hand slid easily past the waistband of his pants and stroked him, his chest heaving with pleasure.

After making him hard enough that my hand was tightly pressed against his pants, I yanked it out and undid the buttons and zipper to free him. He was quick to slip out of them and unclasp my bra, biting my neck and down to teasing my nipples with his tongue. I gasped, as doing things myself never felt this amazing.

While focusing on my breasts, he slid his hand into my panties and teased, "Are you normally always this wet?" I shook my head, unable to answer. He chuckled and rubbed around my clit first to get my stimulation going. He then slid down and teased the opening until my fingers dug into the back of his neck, "Sensitive, too," he whispered.

He slid a finger in, which made me tighten around him. Letting me get used to one, he slid another in, which had me starting to moan. He came back up and bit from my shoulder to my ear, his hot breath against my ear sent chills down my side.

When I thought I couldn't feel any better, he practically ripped off my panties and pressed his tip into the pooling wetness. Before he entered, he looked at me for reassurance to which I quickly nodded.He pressed his tip in and then slowly the rest until he could fit anymore.

His thrusts were slow, I assumed to not rip me apart, but I wanted more.I felt greedy for already feeling better than ever, but I couldn't help it. I wanted to feel all of him to his full potential. It was as if he read my mind because I felt his hands grip the top edge of the bed and slam into me, causing me to scream.

I looked away, feeling that same sensation that I knew as an orgasm,but was too embarrassed to show him how ridiculous the face I made was. He thrusted so deep into me that I could barely hold it anymore, but he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, "Now's not the time to be shy," he warned as my back arched and nails broke skin on his back. He grunted with one last slam and roughly covered my gaping mouth with his, biting my bottom lip.

He gave me a final kiss before pulling himself out and laying next to me, pulling me into his arms. My mind couldn't comprehend the amazing sex I just had, and I don't think Severus was doing too hot either. He had one arm placed over his eyes and was having trouble catching his breath. I gave out a breathless laugh and teased, "Doing alright?"

"I'm not as young as I once was." He stated and turned on to his side so he could look at me.

"And I'm not experienced, but holy shit was that the best thing I've ever felt." I kissed him.

"You're never allowed to leave, you got that?" He ordered while tightening his arms around me.

"Yes, but we need to still deal with my sister before I make any promises."

"Shh." We enjoyed the silence in each others arms, finally together as a couple.

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