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*Kiah's POV*

After two months of constant arguing with Severus, Minerva finally informed me that I could move into my new dorm after Halloween, also my birthday, so I only have to deal with Severus for just three more days, including today.

I've been doing excellent in potions, although, he wouldn't admit it. I've also been able to handle all his smart ass comments, but my only problem was Tobias. He seemed a tad bit obsessed with me, which kind of freaked me out.

It was Monday and tomorrow was Halloween, to which Minerva thought it'd be fun to have students actually dress up and attend some kind of party. I laid in my bed and debated if I wanted to go or not, parties just didn't appeal to me, even if it were some small children gathering in costumes.

Ultimately, I decided against it, but I did look forward to a quiet night as Severus was forced to go. I laughed at the thought of Severus watching dumb kids dance in costumes, it almost made me want to go.

I closed my eyes and imagined a normal life, with actual parents and a loving boyfriend, maybe even some friends. I knew I was always a loner, but sometimes I felt like giving up on life, as if anyone would care.

The thought struck me like lightning, killing myself and having no one notice. Severus flashed through my head, careless to the fact that I'm gone forever. A mysterious pain shot through my chest, but why would I care what he thought? He's never cared about anyone but himself.

I shook my head and dozed off, only to be trapped in another nightmare.

"Where is he?" Cyrus demanded.

"I'd never tell you." I cried and his fist hit me so hard that I felt blood stream down.

"I won't ask again, where is your precious potions teacher?" He had me lifted against the wall by my throat.

"Eat shit." I spit, but Severus walked through the door.

"Ah, there he is." Cyrus dropped me and stated, "How dare you take her from my home, she doesn't belong here. She belongs in a fucking cage."

Severus took out his wand, ready to attack but Cyrus took a gun from his jacket and instantly shot Severus between the eyes.

"NO!" I screamed when I woke up in complete darkness. I sat up in bed and cried as I shook with fear still coursing through my bones.

I nearly jumped when Severus swung open the door in just his briefs and night shirt, "what happened?" He demanded.

"N-nothing. Just-"

"You have them frequently, don't you." His tone changed which made me stare up at him with my red eyes, before nodding.

He sat on the bed beside me and put an arm around me, which put me into shock, "I may be able to help, but first you'd have to tell me what they're about."

"Cyrus," I whispered.

"They don't seem random, I think occlumency might help you block him from your mind. I have a feeling that someone may be purposely trying to hurt you with whatever you're seeing. Since Cyrus is a muggle, it has to be someone else. Maybe a friend of his, perhaps?"

I shook my head as I had no clue who it could be, "very well, right away in the morning we will start occlumency lessons. They will help you secure your mind and keep others out."

I nodded my head. As he was about to get up, I grabbed his wrist, as if not wanting him to leave, but let go when he looked at me. He sighed and offered, "you may sleep on the couch if that will help you fall back asleep."

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