Happy Thanksgiving

49 7 29

Happy Thanksgiving Autobots!!!

Have lots of fun and eat lots of food!!!

Don't forget to be thankful. This day was given to us as a reminder of what our forefathers went though.

They suffered death, starvation, persecution, extreme.weather and so on....just to Worship God.

So here's a challenge, name 10 things ya'll are thankful for!

1. For my Salvation

2. A Godly home and family

3. The opportunity to serve at a Christian Ranch

4. The ability to serve God

5. All the awesome friends I have made here! Abigary, FinalHero-, Gamergirl80, SN_supernova, Snivylover489, sunshinehappygirl81, and Lunar_Prime

You guys are awesome! Thanks for being my friend!

6. A great President!

7. For the men and women that served for our country

8. My church family

9. Horses

10. And food

Happy Thanksgiving guys!!!

~ Your Admin in Dire Need of Coffee

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