Memorial Day

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Happy Memorial bots!!!

Wishing you the best on a day off!!

Question, does anyone remember what we do?

Yeah, probably.

Its to honor those who gave their lives for this wonderful country of America! But do we really do that? Go up to the men and women who served, actually remember those who died? Or do we treat it like another holiday that we get day off work?

All these famous people who refuse to honor our flag, they just need to leave, I never watched football, but now I don't like it because of the players refuse to stand for our flag.

Do they even realize how many people have died for that?! They get to enjoy the luxury of waking up every morning, going to work, living every day of their ungrateful lives peacefully, and those men and women? They were up at three in the morning, eating just enough food to survive, sleeping in on a cot in a tent or in a bunker, armed, never knowing it that day was going to be their last. Yet even those who love their country take them for granted. Have you ever seen a man or woman walking around a store with a armed forces hat? Sure, normally it's a world war II veteran, Vietnam, or Desert Storm, but we just walk past them not even thinking about what they went through. Some of them have known torture like none of us will ever experience. Many lost limbs, were wounded and watched their friends and fellow soldiers killed around them.

Take time today and honor your veterans. If ya see one, shake their hand and thank them for their service. You have no idea how much it means to them. I remember once I was with my brother, walking around a fair ground and bumped into a Vietnam veteran. My brother shook his hand and thanked him for his service to our country, to our surprise the man teared up. He told us that he could count on one hand how many people have thanked him for his service other then days liked this, and none of them were our age, we being 16 at the time. After then my brother really went out of his way to thank men that served every time he saw one, ans you can tell it makes a difference to them. How would you feel if you saved your entire neighborhood, and everyone knew you did, you almost died saving them, and they all knew that yet, no-one ever thanked you, just went on with their normal lives acting like you didn't exist.

You probably wouldn't like that huh? Our serving men and women are the same way. Even the ones who died, their graves bare no flag. Change that. I used to know a couple that would walk around graveyards and find tombstones that belonged to veterans without a flag and put one on their grave. They gave up everything! Their family, friends, the safety of home, to fight a unknown enemy, many losing their lives.

And this is how we treat them. By using this day to sleep in and eat barbecue?

I'm just asking remember the men ans women that fought for this country.

God Bless America

" O beautiful for heros proved in liberating strife, who more then self their country loved, and mercy more then life!

America America!  May God thy gold refine. Till all success be nobleness, and every gain devine "

~ Katharine Lee Bates, America the Beautiful





I'm challenging you guys to spread the word and remember our veterans!

~ Your Admin in Dire Need of Coffee

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