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Hey Bots!!!!

Guess who finally updated!?!?


Anywho I was tagged by my awesome friend SacudaRomeave


Mentioned who tagged you:

See above

Do this in less then 3 days

Check....I think?

Say 10 things about yourself


1. I have a weird obsession with Zelda, Transformers and horses

2. I'm a girl

3. I know how to lay concrete

4. I like bacon

5. I have like no friends IRL

6. I'm a Christian!!! ( Jesus loves you!!)

7. I have a big family! Eight kids, 5 boys and three girls ( not counting parents or people married in)

8. I ride dirt bikes

9. I collect bobbleheads

10. I'm a artist....sorrta

Tell a joke


( warning I love blond jokes, I learned all these from my brothers.....all who are blond )

A blond goes to a mall and tries to buy a television, to her dismay, the salesman told her:

" we don't sell to blonds"

Frustrated, the blonde went home and dyed her hair brown and went to the same mall the next day. When she tried to buy the television, the salesmen told her the same thing.

" We don't sell to blondes "

Enraged the blonde left and dyed her hair red, and returned the next day. For sure she had this in the bag, the blonde walked into the mall, and straight to the salesman.

" Sir I want to by this tv!!" She declared. The salesman frowned and told her the same thing as the last to times.

" We don't sell to blonde."

More confused then angry, the blonde asked how he knew all three times that she was a blonde.

" Simple." The man said. " That was a microwave you tried to buy, not a tv."

Write a spoiler for one of your stories

Airstike's name isn't really Airstrike.....

Tag 28 people




Have fun

~ Your Admin in dire need of coffee because her younger brother thought it would be a good idea to work out a planet fitness until one in the morning

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