Who I am Tag

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Ello Bots!

I got tagged by the amazing Arya_Skye to use Five ( or more ) fandoms to breakdown a character to find out who I am from each.

So....sorry if I can't give a picture illustration, ny phone won't download sometimes, but if we do get pictures....yay!

Transformers. ( Ya'll saw this one coming )

Looking at the old shows and the new, I would have to say....I'm.Arcee. At first I was leaning towards Wheeljack...and kinda still am....but when it all comes down, I think I'm Arcee, because even though she tends to be a loner like myself, she still has friends who she is very loyal to. Often she is like the mom friend, watching over everyone else, but will have fun. ( I am legit the mom friend, seeing that all my friends are younger then Me by three years or more. ) Arcee tends to be stressed out a lot, and you almost have to force her to relax XD and when the time comes, she knows when to step up and take leadership, even if and doesn't want to.

So overall.....I think I'm Arcee ( Not the IDW. That version of her is super dark )

Now when I sat down, I had a bunch of fandoms pop into my head....but I realized I didn't really know the charters. Like I like Voltron, but I've never seen more then five episodes, the same with The last Airbender and TmnT. I've watched some, and I really enjoy it, but I don't know the characters to well...

So! Into Star Wars

I've always always always been a Star Wars fan. More so of the Books and TV shows then the movies ( especially the new ones ) so I racked my brain to think about who I was, AMD boiled it down to a guy unknown to pretty much everyone.

His name is Breaker.

His name is Breaker

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This is me

Coming from a Five ( maybe. Four ) Book Series, Called Secrets of the Chiss Key, Breaker is part of a small squad who always finds themselves in trouble. Breaker is the trooper that's always looking out for the others, and especially the small jedi padawan who is his appointed leader. Although he tends to worry a lot, Breaker is kind, compassionate, creative and can kick butt when you mess with his friends and family.

Next is Legend of Zelda.

I would have to say Tetra. This is me.

Tetra is a tough pirate who pretends to be a jerk at first but is good underneath. She tends to hide what she's feelings well until a wall is broken, then everything comes out at once. She's also knows when to take charge and enjoys a good joke, and is very fluent in sarcasm. Tetra is loyal to her friends, and is overly adventurous....sometimes that being her down fall.....

For the next fandom I have to say..... Lunar Chronicals

I would have to say I'm like Scarlett.

Scarlett is a down to earth country girl. She's kinda anti-social, but is tight with her few friends. The red headed French girl would rather not fight, but will do so when necessary, and enjoys a good firearm as much as the next girl. Scarlet tends to make the best out of a situation, but will sometimes follow her heart instead of her head ( lol why do I do that to myself ). Like myself, Scarlett enjoys adventures, but even more so with her fellow crew members...aka her friends.

Lastly.....I would have to go with Miraculous Ladybug ( pffft I'm 17 and I still watch this )

I would have to relate to Chat.

Like myself, he makes dumb puns, and can sometimes think he's the real cat's MEOW, and other times is over looked. Although he may question the circumstance, Chat can trust his best friends, even when it all seems hopeless.

And....that's all folks....

Thanks again mate for the tag!!!

Oooh on another note, I may be rewriting my story into the woods!!!

~ Your Admin in dire need of coffee

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