The Tag Strikes Back

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Ello Autobots!!

I have been tagged again by the extremely talented Ando_Stain!


P.S because my phone is stupid I couldn't get the list so I'll have to hand type it all...XD

1.what is your full name?

Augustus Gu-stoff Wolfgang Vader.....the Fourth

2. Do you have hobbies?

Yeh...I like to train/ride horses and draw...I love to draw

3.What's your favorite song?

IDk the original Transformers theme song....or the touch by Stan Bush....

4. What's your phone's home screen background

Be prepared....I'm but joking but this is it...

I'm but joking but this is it

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I love this ship.....

5. Have any big dreams?


6. Did you sleep well last night?

Uhhhhh kinda personal...but yes

7. How many friends do you have?

Lets see...nine in real life plus my friends here...( you know who you are)

8. Do you like math?

no....just no

9. What's your favorite subject?

Does art count? If not honors biology

10. Where are you from?

Earth....I was told...but now I'm beginning to doubt that...* cue star wars music *

11. Do you like sports?

Because barrel racing is a real sport.....yea....sorta

12. Are you healthy?

Uhhhh also kinda personal....but yes

13. How much do you cost?

Well seeing that God sent his son to die for me and my sins....I would say...more then you'll ever know. ( He died for you guys too....for everyone )

14.  Do you have a favorite singer.

No really....

15. Do you have siblings?

Yeah.....7 not counting in-laws

16. Can you draw?

Yes!!! And I'm told I'm pretty good....

17. How many lessons do you have on Monday?


18. Do you have a crush?


19. Are you single or taken?

Single pringle who won't mingle

20. If you had the chance to take home your idol, who would it be?

Well he takes me home every time I go somewhere.....

Ok that's it....I tag!!!  ( cause I'm a great friend )





Lunarwisp ( hahaha >=D )



And if I didn't tag some of ya'll is cause ya probably already did it..



~ Your Admin in Dire Need of Coffee

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