Chapter 2

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While I still fight with myself to stay awake,I start hearing footsteps.

"Wait,there is something!"

They come closer.

"Yeah. A dead girl."

I try to see something,but my vision is completely blurred out.

"But... There's still chakra flowing from her hands."

They seem to be very close.

"Then she's almost dead and trying some medical jutsu to help herself. Now come on,that's none of our business."

I start feeling myself reach the limits of my chakra ammount.

"Look closer. That's no medical jutsu,it's something else. Have you ever seen something like this?"

I just want someone to finally help me.

"No. Come on now,i don't care about it."

'They won't help me.' I think,as I loose hope.

"Hey,let's take her with us. This looks interesting and maybe she can do even more with it. She could be strong!"

I feel my body getting picked up.

"I didn't agree to that. If she's lying here,almost dead,she can't be that strong. But I suppose,I could be wrong,so if you think so,just take her with you. But you'll be the one carrying her."

I feel how the person who picked me up starts to move. That means I'm safe for now. Feeling reliefed, I suddenly notice how tired my body actually got and before I'm able to think of anything else, I loose conciousness.


As I wake up, I find myself into a dark room. I try to sit up, but immediately feel the pain spreading from my wound and sink back onto the bed. I'll just have to wait for someone to tell me where I am and how long I'll stay here, before I will go back to my village. I smile to myself. At least something interesting happened for once. It wouldn't be a big problem if I had to stay here for a longer time.

Suddenly I can hear voices from the other side of the door. "No, you can't see her now. Look, you're not even sure if she is the person you believe she is and even if you were... We have straight orders, so please stay patient." I hear a womens voice say. "But-..." A man starts to protest, but gets interrupted right away. "Please be patient. Thank you."

With these words, the conversation seems to have come to an end, because the next moment, the room I'm in gets entered by a young, very pretty woman. She looks at me with calm eyes, then nods. "I see. You woke up. Very good. How are you feeling? Does it still hurt?" "Yes, a little, but apart from that, I feel fine. I really want to thank you for saving me, it really means a lot to me." I explain. She nods once again.

"Two of our men brought you here,on the edge of death, telling me to try and help you. While I was taking care of the injury, they also spoke about something you did with your chakra, that they never saw. Do you have some kind of special way to use it?" "Yes, it's in our family. We can form chakra and so use it as a weapon itself, in my case, as a tool to stop the bleeding a bit. I infuse it into my body, preventing the blood from running into the wounded area and out of my body." I look at her, hoping I explained it well enough. She looks at me for a while, then gets up.

"I have to take care of something. Do you want time to rest? Or... Would you mind if I let someone in here? He begged for me to let him see you, because he's sure he knows you." She sighs, waiting for my answer. "Oh, I suppose it's alright then." I say, wondering who could possibly know me. Thinking about it... I have no idea where even I am. But before I can ask any more questions, the woman leaves the room.

Soon afterwards, the door bursts open once again and the next thing I know is a tall man standing inside of my room, shoving the door close and staring at me for a while. As I try to make out his features, I notice that he seems quite familiar. He just stares at me, then starts to laugh. "Well, I really wanna know who was the one getting you to almost die." His voice.. I didn't hear this sound in almost three years and yet I immediately remember who this person is.

"What are you doing here? You know... People were worried, after you left all of a sudden." He laughs again, even louder this time. "Oh, were those old people so happy about me killing some of their friends?" "I mean that I, your childhood friend, was worried, idiot." I say, staring at him. It feels so unreal to talk to him right now. Am I even still alive, or is this just what the afterlife is like?

"Oh, come on, Noel... You knew what happened. Didn't they all tell you not to worry about a bloody murder like me?" He grins. "They didn't. Because I was covering for you. You have no idea, how many people I had to tell that I'm sure I saw some creepy men kidnapping you. But they believed it. So no, they didn't tell me anything like that, Hidan!" "Well... You've always been a great storyteller. But this also kinda makes me less dangerous, don't you think so? The poor Little Boy that got kidnapped... Not a Story you'd wanna have People tell others, when they talk about you."

I look at him in confusion. "The man who killed half of his village. That is a Story you can tell someone and they will shake in fear! But since it's you, I will forgive you for ruining my wonderful Image." This whole situation is just so strange. I don't know what to say or to do or anything at all. So I just decide to switch the topic. "Actually... Where are we?" He tooks at me, then starts grinning like crazy. "This, my old friend, is the hideout of none other than Akatsuki!"The confusion grows even more. "Akatsuki. Okay. and what am I doing here then?" "Well... Not dying. Meeting an old friend. Maybe... Joining us? That is... If the boss believes in your strenght as much as I do, of course. Because, well... I grew up, knowing how much potential is getting wasted by those idiot not even wanting to teach us a little bit of fighting. But Pein... He might be more sceptic."

I sigh. "Look... You know, I can't leave. I need to take care of things more than ever. My father died and my mother fell sick. It's only me and my sisters now, taking care of it." He gets up. "Well, of course. If you think so. Go on and let your big sister actually see somethingof the world in her free time. Just wait, 'til Lizzie gets older. Do you really think she'll alwaysbe your sweet little sister,staying in place just because the older ones say so? She will travel around as well, once she gets the chance. And I know that you want it too, deep down. You always wanted to escape and trust me, there won't be a better chance than this, because... It's everything we wanted as kids. And I know you. You don't give up your dreams, so take this chance before it's too late."

I stare at him for a Long while. Fifteen. I was fifteen when he left. I thought my way of seeing things had changed a lot in the past three years, but why can he read so clear through me, then? He knows exactly that he's right. And I know it as well. Isn't this exactly what I thought about so much? Finally taking a chance once I get it? I can't hide for the rest of my life, so I smile at him. "Just watch me, showing your boss how strong I am and he will hate you for not getting me in here way earlier!"

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