Chapter 7

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As I get out of the training room,I sigh. It didn't feel like it at first,but now I realize how exhausting it actually was to fight against Deidara. This man is seriously strong. "Hey,have you finished? How did it go?" I get greeted by Hidan,who seems as if he's just been waiting for me to come out. "Well... We fought against Deidara... He's really strong,but we managed to win!" I explain. "Well,that's good to hear! I bet they both were impressed as hell by your strenght!" Hidan now laughs. I shrug. "Hidan,I'm not that good. I barely managed to avoid his attacks." He pets my back. "Don't worry,it'll be fine. You need some practise,but I'm sure you'll become stronger. Look at me! I'm strong!"

I laugh. "Even if you weren't,you're immortal. I mean... How are you supposed to loose against someone?" "Well... I bet some of the other guys could beat me. We're in the Akatsuki for a reason... But anyway,you'll be stronger too,if you get to train more. Just be patient and don't let those idiots rush you." I follow Hidan as he walks during his little talk. He gets downstairs before turning around. "Hey,wanna hang out with me and some other guys in the living room? It would be good for you to get to know the others a bit better,wouldn't it?" I nod and follow him. As we arrive in the living room,I take a look around. Sitting in there are Tobi,Kakuzu,Kisame and Itachi. Itachi is reading a book,while Kakuzu and Kisame are playing cards. And Tobi... Well,he's doing something. Although I'm not sure what exactly. He's just jumping around between Itachi and the two men playing cards. "Tobi,I said it before,you're irritating." Itachi claims without looking up. "But Itachi-san,Tobi is booooreeed!" "And I'm still exhausted from my mission. Please just accept that for once,Tobi." Tobi gives a long sigh and turns around.

Just as he's about interrupt the others with their game,he notices us standing there. "Hidan-saaan,will you play with Tobi? Tobi is booooreeed!" Hidan just shakes his head. "I actually wanted for those two over their to finish their game and then join in so I can rip them off." Tobi sighs again,then runs up to me. "Will you do something with Tobi,Noelia-chan?" I look at him. "What do you even want to do?"
He shrugs. "Something fun!" I'm a bit clueless about what I should do now,so I just stand next to him,while Tobi thinks of something to do. Well... All of a sudden he just runs off, screaming "SENPAIII!". Just a second after that,an annoyed grunt is heard,but Tobi never returns,so probably Deidara let him stay with him anyway... Or poor Tobi got blown up,you'll never know until you see it with your own eyes.

"I'd say 'Don't worry,you'll get used to it!' but... You won't." Itachi says,still reading. Hidan,who now is sitting with Kakuzu and Kisame,laughs. "I'm not even sure,if anyone in Akatsuki can understand the randomness of that guy." "The answer's sure as hell no." Kisame says. I sigh and take a seat next to Itachi,not wanting to stand around in the middle of the room. "So... What exactly do you guys do if you're not... You know,killing people or collecting tailed beasts?" I ask after a while. "I kill more people to earn money with their dead corpses." Kakuzu states,looking at me for a second. "How lovely..." I mumble. "I like to kill more people to sacrifice them to Jashin-sama." Hidan says,laughing. "Well,I know why you two got teamed up..." Itachi says,so quiet that even I barely understand his words. "I... Well,I train. That body doesn't come from nothing." Kisame says and grins at me. I nod,unsure if he's trying to hit on me. "I read. Not to train my body,but rather my mind." Itachi says. "I'm stronger than him." He then adds,causing everyone but Kisame to laugh.

"What are you trying to say with that,huh?" Kisame asks,looking a little insulted. "Nothing... Nothing." Itachi smiles to himself. His partner just sighs,but then suddenly looks at Hidan. "You really meant it when you were saying you'll rip us off,didn't you?" Hidan smiles. "Of course I did. I wouldn't lie and disappoint Jashin-sama." Both Kisame and Kakuzu growl in disappointment,as they keep on playing. "You know,when we were kids,Hidan always lost when playing cards." I claim,smiling. "Won't happen this time! I'll win,for Jashin's sake,so just shut up!" Kakuzu sighs. "Actually... He's still always loosing,but his ego makes it sound as if he's the best of us all." "Shut up,Kakuzu,I'm winning right now!"

One minute later Hidan starts looking really disappointed. He then throws his cards away and gets up. "Enough of that game. It's stupid anyway!" "You lost?" I ask. Hidan shakes his head. "I didn't loose. I gave up. Because I've got more important things to do." "Such as?" Kisame asks, grinning again. "I'll go sacrifice for Jashin-sama now." Hidan says,running upstairs and returning with his cloak and weapon. "Should I come with you so I can attach the body parts you loose?" Kakuzu asks,giving a low chuckle. "Won't happen!" The jashinist screams while slamming the front door shut. "You should follow him." Itachi says. Kakuzu agrees and a few minutes later,he leaves the hideout as well. "Is Hidan so bad at fighting?" I ask after a while. "No. It's just funny to know he'll be pissed off." Kisame explains,laughing.

After that conversation, it's silent again. Atleast until a loud scream echoes through the silence. "Was that Tobi?" I ask. "Yeah." Itachi says, without any intention to go and see what happened. "Shouldn't someone go and check on him?" "Naaah... Probably Deidara. It's Tobi's fault if he constantly pissed of people." Kisame amswers,not moving either. I sigh and get up. "I think I'll go anyway... Don't have anything else to do,so why not..." With these words,I leave and start searching for Tobi.

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