Chapter 8

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As I find Tobi,I see that Kisame was right. It probably was Deidara. Why else would Tobi be sitting against the wall,right in front of a room that, instead of a door,has a slightly black hole as an entrance? "Do I even want to know what happened?" I ask as I approach him. Tobi jumps up,hiding behind me. "Noelia-chan, please protect Tobi from Deidara-senpai! He wants to kill Tobi!" "It's not my fault that you're annoying as hell,hm!" I hear a pretty pissed off voice from inside the door-lacking room. As we stand there for a while,Konan passes by us,only saying "If you don't want Leader-sama to be extremely angry,you better fix that door,Deidara. And no,I don't wanna know whose fault it is,just fix it,for your own good!" Then she disappears through another door.

"Tobi,you'll help me,hn!" Deidara immediately screams. But said man already ran away as if nothing happened. "He's gone." I answer instead. I can hear a very annoyed sigh as Deidara comes out of the room. "I swear,I'll blow his stupid ass up once I found him,un!" I chuckle. "Do you want more doors to fix?" He looks at me for a moment. "Damn. Okay. I'll drag him deep into the forest,THEN blow him up,hm." "Sounds like a good plan,I guess. But you should take care of this first,shouldn't you?" I point at the door. Deidara stares at the hole for a while. "I'll just make a clay door so I can blow him up immediately next time,un..." He then mumbles angrily. "Seriously,what are you going to do with that?" I ask while I try not to laugh. Deidara sighs and lets himself sink against the wall. "I don't know. Why do I have to do it anyway? Tobi pissed me off,hm." "And you blew it up." "That's... True. BUT IT'S TOBI'S FAULT,HN!"

He sighs,but starts thinking about what to do. I sit down beside him and try to help. "Hey, Deidara?" "Hm?" "Don't you have a bathroom in there?" Silence. "Yeah. Why?" "Do you share your room?" "No. What do you even want,un?" I chuckle. "Just thinking... Couldn't you... Like... Take that door?" "Then I don't have a bathroom door,hn." "What do you prefer? A bathroom door or the leader not being angry as hell at you?" He sighs and nods. "That's a point... But if Tobi or anyone else walks in on me showering,it's your fault that they got blown up,un!" I chuckle again. "Yeah,you can have my door then." Deidara smiles and gets up. "Well then... How do I get this out of the frame,hn?"

After an eternity of trying,we finally manage to move the door to it's new home. Now we sit on Deidara's bed,kind of glad we made it. "Thank you,hn." He says after a while. I nod. "You're welcome. What did Tobi do anyway?" "I just wanted to get a drink and Tobi ran directly towards me,then followed me up to my room and kept talking about completely unimportant stuff,while I was trying to create art,hm." "Really? Can I see what you created?" Deidara laughs and points at the door. "Does that give you an idea of what I was doing,hn?" I nod,joining his laughter. "Why are you blowing up your art,again?" I then ask. "Because true art is an explosion!" He says with a confident smile. "I never met anyone else with such an interesting opinion on what art is." "Yeah... Nobody seems to get it. They just always make fun of me for it,un." His smile fades as he looks away and sighs. I feel a little bad for Deidara,so I gently put a hand on his shoulder. "I understand it. And I think it's awesome! It makes your art even more unique,right?" He nods and starts smiling again.

A few minutes later someone knocks at the door. "Yeah,un?" The door gets opened a little and Konan's head appears. "You were lucky that you got to fix this,he's in the worst mood ever today. But... Where exactly did you get that door from, Deidara?" He points at the entrance to his bathroom. "Oh dear god... Hopefully nobody walks in on your,or we'll all be blown up..." "I know. But if the door to my room would have been missing,we'd all have been almighty-pushed to death, wouldn't we,un?" Konan laughs. "Yeah... No. Probably you. And maybe Tobi. But the rest of us would have lived a peaceful life. Especially because we wouldn't have you and Tobi arguing all the time." Then she leaves once again.

"Is she always appearing and disappearing like that?" I ask. Deidara shrugs. "Konan's quite busy. Taking care of the stuff leader-sama is too busy for. They're like... Our parents who constantly try to work and take care of everything at the same time,hm." I just nod. "Well,I can imagine why they have so much to do... I suppose you and Tobi aren't the only ones breaking stuff?" "By far not. We're not the only ones arguing either... Sometimes I wonder,how we even can live all together,un." He laughs, then keeps on talking. "But actually it's pretty cool here. Do you like it so far?" I nod and smile at him. "I do. It's a lot less boring than my old life and I get to learn how to fight... I love it!" Deidara laughs. "It's actually good to have someone not complaining all the time. I think I'll like you!" I join in with a small laugh while I try to hide the slight blush creeping on my cheeks as I wonder how it even got there.

Hey,if you celebrate it,merry christmas! If not,I just hope that you had/still have a wonderful day!

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