Chapter 5

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After Sasori and Deidara tell me they still have to do something,I decide to get up and look around on myself. But I just end up in the living room again,only to meet Tobi,who sits at a desk,his head resting on his arms. Even without seeing his facial expressions,I can tell this man is bored to death. Once he hears me,he looks up and greets me. "Noelia-chan,nice to meet you! How are you? Do you like living here with us?" I nod and smile. "Yes. I mean... I haven't been here for a long time and probably spent the biggest part of it sleeping,but so far I enjoy it." "Did Noelia-chan find friends already?" I think for a while. I talked to a few people,but I wouldn't call them friends right now,I just don't even know anything about them so far. So I just shake my head.

"I didn't really get to know them by now. I mean... I grew up knowing Hidan,so of course he is a friend. But the others... Not right now." He nods,then jumps up after a few seconds. "Hey,do you wanna become Tobi's friend? I'd be very happy about it!" I laugh. "Of course,that would be cool." He runs towards me and before I know what happens,I get dragged into a big hug. "Sooo... What hobbies does Noelia-chan have?" He asks. Even though his mask covers his whole face,I can still feel him staring at me.

"Well,I didn't have a lot of free time in my old life,because I had to help my family..." I start explaining. "But I really like to draw. Also,when I was younger,I sang a lot,so maybe you could count that." "Ooohh,then you're lucky to be Sasori-sama's partner! He's an artist too. Deidara-senpai is one as well,but I don't think he's really good at it." He keeps on talking,while I try to understand everything,until I just give up,sit down on the couch and lean my head back. I think I'll really like it here.

Although I'm not sure if I'm even close to being as powerful as these people are. I didn't see anyone fight by now,but they're Akatsuki after all. These people aren't anyone to go easy on. And then there's me. Theoretical I'm pretty strong,but nobody considers that I never learned how to correctly use these powers. I sigh. "Tobi,how strong are you guys?" He pauses for a second. "Oh... We're really strong! But I'm sure that Noelia-chan is as well!" I shrug and nod. I'll just talk to Hidan once he's back and for now,I keep on listening to Tobi,talking about various things while gesturing wildly. I don't know how he's so energetic,but he really seems to be fun.


At some point,Hidan comes back and as soon as I notice,I get up to talk to him. I knock at his door and wait until it's opened up by Kakuzu, getting out of the room and mumbling something close to 'hello'. I decide to just get in. I don't really know if I ever saw someone being so bloody. "I hope that isn't yours. I suppose." I say,while Hidan laughs. "Don't worry,it belongs to whoever Kakuzu wanted to kill so hard. Doesn't matter,the mission was successful and I hope my partner won't bother me with doing this stuff in my free time again. Not that mind killing people,but I do mind being gentle while killing them so their face won't be unrecognizable and afterwards dragging their corpse to some stupid place..."

I look at him,obviously being confused. Hidan bursts into laughter. "You should see your face right now! Like... 'What the heck is he talking about?!' Okay,let me help you out there. Kakuzu likes to kill people for money,ya know? The usual stuff." That makes it a bit clearer. I nod. "Well... And you gotta help him with it?" "Kind of. It helps me too in some way." He responds,smiling. "I'm not going to ask why... For now,at least." "Well,then instead tell me what brings you here. Did you miss me so much?" Hidan laughs again.

"I spent a nice day talking to Sasori,Deidara and Tobi,so no,not really. Although I need to ask you something... What did you do to be strong enough for Akatsuki to take you? I mean... Was it enough to just say 'Yeah,I killed some people who never learned to fight properly'?" He sighs. "Take a seat,I'll have to explain some stuff,I suppose." I do as he says and sit down beside him,while he looks at the opposite wall,being silent for a wall. Then he starts to talk.

"So,as you know,I left the village knowing almost nothing except for how to swing a scythe. I mean... You surely remember when we tried to teach ourselves how to fight,but besides that,there was nothing. I didn't join Akatsuki right away,I spent quite a while just travelling around. And maybe half a year after I left,I met these guys,going like 'Hey,join our religion,we're cool!'" I look at him in confusion. Hidan never was a person to really believe in a god or something,he was just... Being himself,having trust in nothing but his own strenght. But I just listen,as he goes on.

"So... I look at them,telling them I don't want to dedicate my life to some boring old man whose existence isn't proven and just let me tell you... They weren't amused. So we fight until they start doing strange stuff that's... Complicated,just let me tell you,I wasn't able to win. And then,as I lie on the floor,trying to breathe,they tell me more about their god and I have no other choice than to listen to them and you know... It sounds really interesting. Killing people and sacrificing them,a pretty cool way to fight... And so I just agree,because I have nothing else to do and it's somehow pretty cool. They make some sick experiments and BAM! I'm immortal as long as I sacrifice enough to my god and well... Of course the Akatsuki wanted someone who's unable to die. You know,Kakuzu had the habit to kill his partners and so Pein was just like 'You'll go with the immortal guy from now on,have fun.' And that's it."

He looks at me and smiles. I never would have thought that Hidan would be religious. I just keep on looking at him in confusion,until he starts to laugh. "Don't give me that look now! It's a cool religion. You know... We kill people! We are not allowed to show mercy to our opponents. And so on. It's awesome!" "Buuut... Didn't these guys show mercy to you?" I ask,still not getting a hold of it. "Yeah. But they recruited me,so I guess that counted." "And... When you said helping Kakuzu to kill whoever he'll get money for also helps you,you meant they are your sacrifices?" He nods. "Someome's getting it,huh? Now,tell me why you wanted to know that." Hidan laughs.

"Isn't that obvious? I may could do some cool things with chakra,but we both know that I never had someone to teach me about how to use it. I don't know if I really should be part of an organization consisting of s-rank ninjas." Hidan laughs once again. I know he's always like that,but I'm serious. "Look. You underestimate yourself. Of course you'll need training,but even Itachi needs to train. Even Pein does. And you're a quick learner. No need to worry! You'll just start training with Sasori,so you not only get better,but the two of you can also find out how to fight in a way that's best for you as a team. It'll be alright,really! And if not,I'll just make you a jashinist as well!" I nod. He has a point,I suppose. After a while of just sitting there,I decide to get up and let Hidan get rid of all this blood on his body.

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