Chapter Three: The Great Fate

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Chrysalis and Sombra awaited months for their firstborn to come. Now... the firstborn was finally here! A princess!
Sombra trotted back and forth as he awaited the arrival of his newborn. As the doctor opened the door, he said, "Your wife is sleeping right now. You can see your daughter though.". Sombra nodded. As he came in the bedroom, he saw his Queen sleeping after the labor. As he then went to the crib, he gasped quietly as he saw a little filly twitching and stretching in her sleep. Sombra smiled gently as he gazed upon his daughter. "She's a little smaller than we expected, but she is healthy so... we have faith in her.". The doctor whispered. Sombra said nothing to the doctor. He was too busy admiring his little princess!

The little filly awakened to a soothing music box playing 'Love like you' as she fluttered her eyes halfway. She then saw a shadow in the distance. as it crept to her crib, it began to make images of birds flying, cats chasing mice, and dogs happily playing fetch. The shadow then returned to its solid form. The shadow was her father. Sombra smiled gently as he gazed upon her. "Oh... my little princess.". He whispered. The little princess examined her surroundings, then back at Sombra. As he picked her up, the princess began to wail. She kicked her hooves, trying to escape yet too tired to move too much. Sombra put her close to his chest. "Shhshhshh. It's okay. I'm here. Shhhhh.". As the last of the tears fell, she looked up at her father. He smiled gently and said, "You have my eyes, sweetheart! You must have put Mommy in a lot of pain since she's out cold. That proves that you're powerful, My Little filly! Yet... so adorable!". Sombra tickled her belly. She giggled happily. She then snuggled up to his chest and sighed softly. As Sombra held the sleeping princess (who was making soft, murmuring snores), he began to think of a name. "Sweetest dreams, Princess Crystalline.".

Three days after, Sombra found a letter about a declaration of war from Equestria! Sombra had no choice but to accept the fact that his subjects, friends, and family were in danger! So... he had a plan...

Two weeks later, the Equestrian soldiers began to come. Sombra and Chrysalis had planned for his family to escape, while he had their own soldiers to fight them off.

Chrysalis held Crystalline in her hooves as tears began to swell. Sombra had just enough time to say goodbye. "Somby... There has to be another way... I can't lose you.". Chrysalis said. Sombra kissed her cheek, "My Queen. There isn't. Don't fret though, I shall be back before you know it, okay?". Chrysalis nodded. Crystalline giggled and cooed as she saw her father. He smiled sadly and caressed her cheek. He then put a sleeping spell on Crystalline. As she yawned and closed her eyes, Sombra nuzzled his little princess once more before leaving. "Now... go hide, go through the back door. They won't notice you leaving. Get to the ship, Fido and Spot are already waiting for you.". Chrysalis then said, "I love you...". Sombra smiled sadly and replied, "I love you too...". They shared their last loving kiss. Chrysalis looked back at Sombra as she flew off towards the back door. A single tear fell from Sombra's eye as he saw his Queen and Princess leave his sight.

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