Turkey Day

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"SCOTT GRAB THE FUCKING THING!" Stiles yells as he pulls the large bird out of the oven. He pauses to look back at his boyfriend and scowls when he sees a confused face.

"What thing!" He says much softer but still loud. Stiles finally sets the turkey down and faces Scott completely.

"The thingy-mabober where you fucking stick it in the turkey and it fucking tells you if it's fucking done!" Stiles throws his hands up and stomps. His face is full of stress as he yells at the other.

"Language Stiles! We have children coming!" Scott looks around for the tool. Even though he has no idea what it is, but he wants to calm the pale boy down.

"I can say what I fucking want dick head!" Stiles pulls up his middle finger before turning back around. "Besides, Liam is hardly a damn child." He mutters, using a fork to poke around before stabbing the turkey angrily.

Scott sees and rushes over, arguing with Stiles to take the fork. He finally manages to grab it and sets it out of the boy's reach. Stiles growls and in a normal day Scott would have laughed. Stiles loves mocking the werewolves when he's angry.

"Baby, Stiles." Scott pleads, grabbing his face. Stiles tries to get away but Scott is taller. He squishes his face, trying to loosen up Stiles. "I love you, smalls."

"Don't fucking call me that." Stiles tries to get out as Scott keeps messing with his face. The younger is no longer yelling. At this point he just wants to be let go.

"Do you prefer baby boy? Love of my life? Sweet baby jesus?" Stiles burst out laughing at the last name. He finally manages to pull away but wraps his arms around Scott's neck. He hums lightly.

"You're weird." Stiles chuckles. He sighs, looking into Scott's brown eyes. For a second he totally forgot about the stress of the day. He was just lost in the moment with the boy he loved.

"I love you." Scott whispered, smiling.
"I love you, too. And I just wanna state-for the record- I'm thankful dor you. The whole pack, yes. But I don't know where I'd be without my bestfriend. Without my boyfriend. Sometimes I wish we weren't just seventeen so I could marry you already. I love you. I can't wait for the day when I'm able to say that knowing there's a ring to prove it."

Scott awes at the sight in front of him. The boy blushing makes his heart do turns and flips. It's almost as if it's a gymnast. Scott presses a light kiss to Stile neck. It makes the other boy blush more.

"If we're being all cliche I just wanna say a few things." Scott takes a step back. "I love and support you nd I just want the best for you because you're cute and adorable. My baby doesn't deserve any of the hurt he's suffered through but I know you got threw it and you'll get through everything thing else. I hope you truly lnow how thankful I am. If you hadn't pulled me put into that woods on that particular day I'm not sure where we are would even be happening. I swear to God you're the best thing to ever happen to me."

Stiles blushes even worse be covers his face with his hands, taking a shaky breath. He couldn't believe the way that Scott made him feel. He didn't understand the butterflies that consumed his stomach. Scott made Stiles feel.

"I'm so going to one up that speech on Christmas and make you blush." Stiles says warningly, pointing a finger at his boyfriend. It's the only thing he could manage to get out at the moment.

"Are you sure about that, babes?" Scott whispered, grabbing Stiles waist. Stiles nods and grips Scotts hair before pulling him into a kiss. They both smile and Scott presses Stiles up against the island.

Once again both smile before pulling away.

"Okay but seriously I need that fucking turkey thing."

*This is late but idc

*Casually waiting for Sciles merch

*have no chill and ship Sciles

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