Late Night calls

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Scott's body trembled.  He hated the feeling and was crying.  His mind shook as he struggled to get his breathing under control.  It was a feeling he couldn't describe.

The feeling of despair made it's way throughout his body.  Scott lay upon his bed, unable to move.  He couldn't even cry for the pain in his chest made him numb.  This was even in his finger tips as they felt like a slight buzz.

In Scott's mind he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with Stiles.  He knew the pale boy was okay so he didn't want to bother him.  Though, it scared him to think that his bestfriend was possibly hurt.  Scott loved Stiles and would bury himself alive if he was dead just to be near him.

Finally the dull gray walls became too much and Scott needed a release.  Stiles was his release and as much as he hate to bug him, Scott picked up his phone.  The anxiety really started kicking in and Scott let his fingers type faster.

He put the device to his ear as he heard the familiar ring.  It took a few of that sound to play before there was a beep, signalling his boyfriend was there.  Scott let out a sigh of relief,  thankful for Stiles.

"Hello?" Stiles' voice was groggy from sleep.  Who's wouldn't be at three in the morning?  Scott thought it was the mot beautiful thing ever.  For a second he had to appreciate Stiles.

"Baby." Scott almost whimpers out.  He rolls over to stare at the ceiling as he hears a slight shuffling and a yawn which makes him smile.  Scott wishes he could be cuddling Stiles at the moment.

"Are you okay, babe?  Do you want me to come over?" Scott could hear the worry as the boy on then other side of the phone woke up more.  He was quick to shut it down, not wanting Stiles out this late at night.

"No, I just wanted to hear your voice.  I worry too much about you." Scott pulls his head under the blanket.

"Oh." Stiles said softly, settling back down.  He releases a large breath. "I'm okay.  I promise, Scott."

Scott nods, finally feeling his eyes drop after hours of being awake.  He needed that more than he thought.  Scott and Stiles both lay there listening to each others breathing over the phone until they fall asleep.

I don't support Melanie Martinez but my Mad Hatter one shot was based off her song. I dont want to delete it because of all the hard work I put into it. Any idea of how to change it when I legit incorporated her song lyrics?

*enjoy my smol sciles children. (Looks at the people in the GC)

*Have no chill and ship Sciles

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