Chapter 34

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Alec didn't expect that he'd be the one overwhelmingly jealous, but here he was. It was friday, at the football game. His first football game. The girl he liked so much, sat in the stands, ready to cheer him on. Only problem, she wasn't just there for him. Oh, and then there was the fact she was wearing Josh's varsity jacket. Sure, Alec didn't have one. Sure, Cera was cold. But did it have to be his jacket?

Besides that, Josh and Cera were being oddly flirty. With Josh hugging and whispering to Cera, Alec felt pushed to the side. Unknowingly, Cera felt the same.

Here she was, going with the intention to see Alec. Of course she was going to root on the other boys but Alec never did a sport before. Call it cleché, but she was curious to see how her attraction would be effected because of this new, more athletic, side. The idea itself was attractive to her. *sigh* I guess no one is immune to jocks. (Kidding XD)

But in all honesty, she just wanted Alec. She wanted to see him, talk to him, hug him. She just wanted his company. The fact Beth was hanging on him every chance she got, didn't help. If Cera had normal arms, she just might've snapped someone's neck when she saw Beth kiss the corner of his lips. It bothered her even more Alec didn't react beyond a blush and trying to look any other way than at her. As a result, Cera clung to Josh. She flirted and took his jacket (which was super warm and comfortable). It wasn't she wanted to make him jealous. It was that she was jealous and felt a overwhelming reminder of how lonely she felt and took it out on her affection to Josh. Josh followed her lead easily. The plan was already working and he knew it. They were driving each other crazy, as always.


After the football game, it wasn't much better.

After leaving the stadium, the whole group went out to eat at some burger place. Cera sat at one end of the row of tables, Alec being across from her. Next to Cera sat Josh. Next to Alec sat Beth. From there, in order, the people who sat next to Josh were Kiley and Vic. Next to Beth, Chris and Gabe.

Of course, despite each others jelously, they kept up their routine when they ate together. Alec helped Cera get her utensils out of the pasic packaging and open the katchup and mustard packets that he also dumped on her tray for her fries. Cera looked up at him and smiled.
"Thank you." She said.
"Of course." Alec smiled back. That's when Beth got a horrible idea.
"You know, it's kinda cute how he is always helping you." Beth grinned, getting Ceras attention cleverly.
"Uh, yeah, I guess." Cera smiled against the uneasiness she felt. Something felt wrong with what she said. It was like she was hinting at something.
"It's almost like you like each other." Beth blurted, making Alec cough and choke on the drink he was sipping. Cera blushed, embarrassed by his reaction.
"W-We're really good friends. That's all..." She said as Alec cleaned himself up. Alec was facing an inner battle of being annoyed by Beth being so blunt and the hurt he felt that Cera didn't even seem to entertain the idea. Beth felt she was in trouble with Alec by his quick glare her direction and tried to think quickly to prove a point to him.
"I just thought I'd throw that out there. You especially seem like you like him." Beth shrugged before Cera did something no one at that table expected her to do. She snorted her laugh.
"Yeah, right! I don't know where you got that idea. Alec and I are good friends. Don't worry. You've got nothing to worry about from me." Her blush was gone and a smile was apparent on her face. Everyone looked at Alec for his reaction. Alec just stared at her with a frown as she ate. His heart hurt. That was, til she made the mistake of continuing to talk. "I mean, I don't know how you'd get that when Alec and I hardly hang out anymore. Not that I don't miss him- cause I do. I mean- no- n-not in a 'I miss him more than I should' way but we used to hang out all the time..." Her voice got quieter.
"Do you want to hang out more?" Alec proposed, making her look up. "I just thought you were so busy with Josh, we didn't have a lot of time. I didn't want to take away from you two catching up." Alec said honestly. Cera blinked.
"We caught up and I wanted to hang out again but then you joined football. I figured you just wanted some space." She started to chuckle. Alec chuckled with her.
"I guess we just read each other wrong." Alec said.
"I guess." Cera agreed and started eating again. 

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