The last straw

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The next few weeks went by fast. As soon as the doctors told Matthew that he was ready to go home, he called his mom and Ryan. Everyone came to take him home. There was crying, and hugs along with a lot of chatter, especially between Camille and Aurora. They got Matthew installed in Ryan's room and as soon as they were done, Everyone had dinner, then they parted.

The boyfriends were left alone. It was hard for Matthew not being able to move much, but it was harder to not sleep together both for him and Ryan. That night they spoke from bed to bed for what seemed hours, about things they went through as children.

  Next morning, Adam showed up at the hospital asking for Matthew.  The nurse took a while to come back. He kept on cracking his fingers in a nervous state. When he saw the nurse come back, he was ready to go in, but her answer put him in a different mental state.

  "I'm sorry Mr. Spencer but he was picked up by his family yesterday. He will be recovering at home. Do you have their contact number?"
  "Yes, I will contact them. Thank you for your information."

  He left both in frustration and relief. Relief because at least his son was not in a critical state. Frustration because he might not have the chance to come to terms with him. Perhaps in the future. He decided he would leave the family alone for a while.

Summer was almost halfway done when Ryan was taking a shower to take his boyfriend to a park in the wheelchair. Granted his ribs were still healing, he couldn't have abrupt movements or walk long distances, in which the wheelchair was good enough.

The nurse was getting Matthew ready to go. Charles was a strong man who pretty much carried Matthew half the time to take him to the bathroom or to get his bed changed. He was always at his service but also socializing with Ryan. This particular day, He made sure that Matthew wore his favorite color and also the clothes he chose were decided by both.

Few minutes later, Ryan came out from the bathroom in jeans and hoodie. It was a fresh morning for a change. Unexpected but much appreciated. Because of the focus of Ryan on Matthew, neither paid much attention to the nurse.

"Ready my love?"

Matthew nodded. Slowly they made their way to the streets, and also went through ramps as much as they could. Finally they made it to the park... They could hear children and see people every so often. For their first outing after the accident, Matthew was moved by tears. He held most of his emotions at his throat.

"Let me know if you need anything my love." Ryan said.
"You baby me too much Ryan."

This seemed odd to Ryan because he had not changed his attitude towards him from the beginning. He kept quiet but looked down at his boyfriend's face. Matthew looked at the horizon so serious.

"Why don't you tell me already you like Charles? I see how he makes you smile."
"He likes you too, you know?"
"Matthew stop."
"Look, you don't have to feel sorry for me. I can handle it. Besides in a few months I'll be able to be independent again you know?"
"Matthew STOP! I don't know where you got those ideas from but you got it wrong. I'm courteous because he helps me with you. But if it bothers you so much, you can ask to have your nurse changed."

There was silence between them for a while, and Ryan finally pulled him off that area. He also mentioned that he would be going to school again in a few weeks.

"Good because you won't have to see me every hour. You know? You are right. I'll ask for a nurse change. And I think I've taken too much generosity from your family. I'll ask my mom to move me elsewhere."

Ryan felt like a stab in the chest with those words. He wanted to protest but he felt it was most important to remain calm.

"You know Matthew? Jealousy is not a good thing. It kills love."
"Why do you say that? Just tell me it's over. Don't threaten me with things."
"I don't know what has gotten into you today but as much as I respect you, you are hurting me plenty right now."
"I'm sorry, I'm being an asshole. Thank you for taking me out. It's just I really feel like Charles WANTS you and I can't do anything to stop it."
  "Tell me more about that. I don't understand."
  "Really?? You're sure. I can't believe you don't notice how he looks at you!"

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