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  Since that day when Ryan let Matthew inside him, they became closer and closer... slowly erasing the rough points.

  It became a thing of usual life for Aurora to see them go out and about together, or hold hands in public. Anyone could have sworn they were a couple destined to last a very long time.

  In Aurora 's eyes they shared a similar vibe but Matthew was a bit weak and Ryan could easily bite Matthew's heart, but he was enjoying him too much to do that.

  In a way, it was true. Ryan would not talk about him all the time and also didn't wait for him to eat, or even wake up at the same time. He would remain in bed when Matthew was already doing so much in and out of the house.

  However, between intimacy, they would mesh together more and somehow meet each other in the middle. They would try to meet each other's satisfaction. They would sleep more often hugged than not, even if Ryan always felt hot and let go of the embrace.

  Besides all that, they would go out to dance quite often. Ryan was the one to get crazier and more drunk. He would get very friendly with people and sometimes that was very misunderstood. A couple times, Matthew saved him from getting punched for touching the wrong person.

  One night, when Ryan lay on his boyfriend's side to lick his ear, and whisper they should go dancing.

  "But baby... we went out Sunday! It's just Tuesday!"
  "Oh come on, you know you want to. You love dancing."

  Matthew was quiet all of a sudden. A slight smile appeared on his face as his eyes focused on his boyfriend's mischievous face.

  "I do but you drink too much sometimes." He responded.

  "Oh come on!! Please!!  It's Sammy's birthday and I promised we would go!"

  Matthew closed his eyes, as his boyfriend got close to his ear and whispered: "Come on, I'll give you a blow job if we make it to the room to change right now."

  Matthew burst out in laughter, and then looked at that mischievous face staring back at him. He finally agreed and was pulled to the bedroom by his boyfriend.  Once inside, Ryan pushed him over the bed and got between his legs. Matthew pushed him away saying that wasn't necessary. He convinced Ryan to just go start picking out his own outfit for going to the party.

  After maybe an hour, they were both ready and leaving the house in Ryan's car. They held hands while traveling there.

  Once they arrived at the door, Sammy was jumping up and down and smacking kisses on Matthew for taking his friend to him. Matthew couldn't help getting smiley about it.

Once in the club, they all started drinking, the three plus a group of five that met them inside.  Soon Ryan was dancing with Matthew but his eyes were looking more absent and Matthew suddenly had to excuse himself to go pee. He assumed Ryan would stay with his friends.

  He took his time looking around inside the bathroom and feeling the cold air. He was beginning to feel the numbness at the tip of his own tongue.

  When he came back to the dance floor, Ryan's friends were all making too much noise and laughing. Suddenly he was able to spot Ryan on the dance floor. He could see from afar a boy was pulling him closer and in two seconds, he got a hold of Ryan's lips.

  Matthew gasped and stood still, watching the scene unfold. Ryan did not hold back... soon he was hugging the boy, who managed to slip his fingers under Ryan's top.

  Matthew felt like crying, out of anger. He was about to go split them apart when a second thought stopped him. If he fought, he would be no better than Ryan.

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