Chapter 6 and an apology

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An intruder. A trespasser in the castle. Nobody knows how they got in. Before anyone could stop me, I made my way to the dungeons. Determined to deal with the trespasser myself.

I heard a voice calling after me and I recognised it as Aedion's. I quickened my pace. I didn't need the Wolf of the North breathing down my neck. All he wanted to talk about was how we were planning on getting Aelin back. My heart broke a little more every time. Aedion didn't know she was missing. I hadn't had the heart to tell him.

I'd reached the dungeon. Drawing my sword, I threw the doors open. I expected a fully armed warrior. Instead, I found a girl. A girl dressed in a midnight blue gown, I would have thought it was black if it weren't for my Fae eyesight. She looked about Aelin's age. Dark hair, grey eyes. Definitely Fae. I recognised the pointed ears. The elongated canine, so much like my own, as she gazed in shock. She was as surprised to be here as I was to find her.  She looked from me to my sword and backed away. A wave of sympathy washed over me. She was alone, defenceless and scared.
"You have no reason to be scared, I will not harm you," I tried. That seemed to console her.
"Where am I?" She asked timidly.
"You are in the kingdom of Terrasen, recently restored to its former glory," that seemed to confuse her so instead I asked, "Who are you?" She looked hesitant to answer.
"I am Feyre Archeron, High Lady of the Night Court. Who are you?"
"I," I began, "am Rowan Whitehorn Galathynius, King and consort to the Queen of Terrasen, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius".


I'm really sorry for taking so long to update. I have a small announcement to make.

I know this may be sad for some of you but I have decided to take a break from writing this. I don't know how long the break will last but I just need some time to gather my thoughts and get my head straight.

To better display my need for a break, I would like to take this opportunity to explain some of what's going on without getting too personal.

I have a rare disability called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I have type 3 which is the Hypermobility type. It basically means I can bend my joints in strange ways and excessive excercise causes lots of pain. Anxiety can also be linked into my disorder so that's why it's been taking me so long to update. I haven't been happy with the chapters and have been anxious about what people would think. My family and I are also dealing with a huge problem right now, which stresses me out massively. I hope this makes my situation easier to understand.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone reading this for all your support. I didn't expect this to do so well. So thank you to all my lovely readers. You all mean so much to me.

I will still be using Wattpad to read other fanfictions for a bit of inspiration so feel free to message me anytime with ideas for plot development or just to have a chat!☺️


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