Chapter 8

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Mild language warning


The male with the white hair stood assessing me as I processed what he'd said. He said I was in a land named Terrasen and he was the king. King and consort to someone called Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, the Queen of this strange land. Whilst I was thinking about who this woman he spoke of could be, the male who called himself Rowan spoke. "Where did you say you were from again?" It took me a while to gather my thoughts but I managed to speak, "The Night Court," His expression changed from neutral to puzzled so I deciced to elaborate, "In Prythian," this seemed to confuse him more. Finally he spoke, "Prythian doesn't exist. Unless..."

"Unless what?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Unless what?!" I asked again, my frustration obvious. He spoke, but not to me, "Oh Aelin," he said, "What have you done now?"

"Answer me!" I commanded, the part of me that was a the High Lady coming out. Still no answer, he just continued talking to himself.

"Unless... Oh that's it! Clever bitch..."

"What?!" I practically screamed at him. Only then did he seem to remember I was there.

"I think Aelin's used Wrydmarks to get herself out of a situation but instead of transporting just herself, she's transported you too. I think you've switched places. She's in your land and you're in hers."

"Wherever she is isn't my land..." I muttered but his Gods damned Fae hearing picked it up.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I hesitated and was about to explain but one thing he'd said was confusing me, "It's nothing," I started, "What are Wrydmarks?


It took a good hour at least for him to explain all about these strange marks, how they worked and what they could be used for but I managed to keep up and finally understood. "So what you're saying," I said slowly, "Is that your queen has used these marks to get herself out of this world and possibly into mine while I've been transported from my world into hers?"

"Exactly," He replied. Suddenly the doors opened and in strode a male with golden hair and turquoise eyes with a gold ring around the pupil. He was beautiful. Not as beautiful as my Rhys though. The room grew colder as Rowan snarled at the male, "What do you want Aedion?" The annoyance at the male's presence clear. The male took a step back as ice began to form at Rowan's fingertips, so that's why it got so cold so quickly. His magic was ice and possibly snow or wind? I'd have to ask him later. If he let me live that long.

The male hesitantly answered "I was curious," this made Rowan snarl even more.

"Get. Out," he growled, "before I set Lysandra in ghost leopard form after you!" The male's face whitened.

"Ok, ok," he stammered, "I'll go, I just wanted to get a look at this girl that everyone keeps talking about," he walked out, winking at me as he left. Rowan turned to face me again as the room regained it's original temperature. "Sorry about him, he's Aelin's cousin. They're just as arrogant as each other." I noticed the ice at his fingertips had disappeared. He followed my gaze to his right hand and spoke again, "Oh right. As you've almost definitely noticed, I'm fae, as you appear to be, too. Although you don't appear to be a fae prince like myself, obviously. My magic is ice and wind. Have you any magic?" he asked. I decided to show him a few things instead of listing everything I could do.

First, Summer. I showed him my water animals. "Your magic is water?" he asked. I held my hand up in a silent demand to wait. Next, Spring. As much as I hate Spring, I'll show him. My water animals disappeared and my Illyrian wings appeared. His eyes widened in shock. Understandable. They're magnificent. Larger than Rhys', larger than Cassian's, larger than even Azriel's. I smirked at his reaction. Next court, Dawn. I needed someone to heal. "Have you anyone who needs a healer?" I asked him. He looked confused but pulled up his sleeve to show a nasty wound, no doubt obtained through training. I walked towards him and held my hands over the wound. I focused on my healing powers and practically threw everything I had into the wound. It disappeared with a small scar in seconds. He looked from his arm to me in awe. Next, Day. I stepped back to my original place in the dungeon and let Helion's magic free. Blinding light filled the room, causing Rowan to shield his eyes. Just as quickly as the light filled the room it disappeared. I focused on the part of my magic that was Beron's and made a ring of fire around me and Rowan. He looked at the flame and tears his filled his eyes. The fire disappeared and I softly asked "Are you okay?" He nodded and replied, "I'm fine, is that everything you can do?" I grinned

"Not even close," the temperature dropped once again as a snowball formed in my hand. The prince looked at my hand warily before forming one of his own. I threw mine as hard as I could at his face but he easily dodged with the grace and swiftness gifted to the Fae. He threw his and I instinctively threw up a shield of wind. He laughed a pure, rich laugh. I smiled a genuine smile, something I hadn't done for a long time. His laughter died and I decided to show him just how powerful this High Lady really was. Darkness exploded out of me and filled the room just as Rhys had done in the Court of Nightmares. Rowan let out a panicked cry and the darkness retreated to circle around me. "I'm the High Lady of the Night Court," I said in my most commanding voice "and that is everything I can do"


Hi guys! I'm so sorry this took so long but here it is. What did you think of Feyre showing Rowan her magic? Or Aedion's attepmt at flirting with Feyre. I just want to say I do ship Lysandra and Aedion but I was talking to my editor and she suggested putting in a bit of humour throughout the story so you'll see that incorporated into later chapters. Let me know what you thought of the chapter and anything you think should be included into later chapters!


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