Chapter 9

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Mild language warning


Both males seemed startled by my words. I was surprised at myself for even saying them. I never asked for help unless I'm desperate. Lucien spoke first, "Help? With what?"

"I need to get home. I won't explain here but my land and my-" I hesitated, "Mate needs me", I fought back tears at the thought of Rowan and the memory of him as I was whipped and forced into the Iron Coffin by Cairne and that bitch.  

At the mention of my mate Lucien's features softened in sympathy. Tamlin's stayed as stubborn as ever. "How about we take you back and you can explain everything there?" Lucien suggested. Just as I was about to protest, Tamlin interrupted, "Lucien!" he snapped, the annoyance in his voice obvious, "We are not bringing a random fae girl  back to the manor!"  Lucien pulled Tamlin away and they spoke in hushed voices, too quiet for even my fae hearing to pick up.

Their conversation continued for at least ten minutes . Tamlin's expression growing more annoyed by the second. Lucien kept glancing at me, his face more stern than I'd ever seen it in the short time I'd known him. He reminded me of my father with that look. I felt a sharp pain at the memory of my parents and their faces when burned down that bookshelf in the library with Aedion. 

The memory quickly dissolved as Lucien cleared his throat. "We've decided-", Tamlin made a noise of protest, Lucien ignored him, "-to take you back the manor, clean you up, heal your wounds and keep you safe. In return, you will tell us everything you know about how you got here and the situation in your land. Do we have an agreement?" He asked, holding out his hand to me. I hesitated but took his hand and shook it.

This was going to be fun...


I'm so sorry this took so long, I've been under a lot of pressure recently with choosing my GSCEs and everything else but I'll try and get the new chapter up as soon as possible. I'm thinking of including an idea suggested a while ago by a reader I'll give credit to at the end of the chapter but I don't know. I'll think about it. 

Also, 2.5K READS!!! THAT'S INSANE!!! Thank you so much to everybody reading this, that really means a lot to me and I can't express how happy I am.

Until next time,



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