What The Fuck Happened?!

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After winning the match the group of girls Miley, Paige and Skylar Rayne was walking backstage talking about their won on their match laughing and going then suddenly they have been attacked from behind not knowing who it was. They got beaten badly by being kicked in the ribs,back and head.

They hear a fimailer voices from the attackers and they new who it was they began to try and fight back with everything in their will power to defend themselves.

There was blood pouring from the girls noses and eyebrows busted open and has black eyes. All their bodies was brusied with cracked ribs sore backs.

They finally finished beating them up and walked away with smirks on their faces smiling. The Girls was just laying there on the floor beaten up.

Some refs and WWE doctors came running to them checking on the girls. They had no clue what's just happened. They called for help getting the medics come running and putting the girls on to a stretcher and began rushing them to the hospital.

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