Love Me Like You Do!

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A couple of days later at the hotel. Miley shared a hotel room with Skylar and Paige. Dean and Seth and Roman has disappeared.

Dean's Pov:

I woke up and went to Romans room and he wasn't there so I went to Seth's room "Seth wake up!" I said shaking him.

Seth groaned as he opened his eyes. "What?" he asked gruffly. "Roman isn't here!" I yelled.

Seth sat straight up. "What?! He has to be!" he said and runs to Romans room. "Where the fuck is he?!"

I don't know! We have to tell the girls and all look for him!" I said running to my room to get changed.

Seth got dressed fast and he and I knocked on the girls' door

"I'll get it" Paige said walking to the door and answering it to see Seth and Dean standing there "oh hi" she said.

"Girls.....Romans gone!" Seth said as he and I came in. "What?!" Skylar asked.

"What?! Where?!" Paige screamed.

Miley looked up from the couch "wha---" she ran to the bathroom and throws up.

Seth watches her run off. "What's wrong with her?" he asked

aige and Skylar looked at each other. "She might be pregnant" I said.

"Oh shit," was all Seth said. Miley finished and walked back out wiping her mouth.

Skylar bit her lip. "I wonder if this is what he meant......," she said.

"Come on let's all go find him" I said.

The Girls all got dressed and went out looking for Roman. Miley went to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test and went into a toilet in a cafe and took it.

Miley's Pov:

I stared at a positive pregnant test. "Shit!" I said.

Skylar walked in. "You ok girl?" she asked then sees the test. "You're pregnant". I looked up at her and nodded and cried.

"Shit," she said and hugged me. "Paige and I will help you get through it......if Roman doesn't step up. Come on we need to find him!"

I wiped my eyes and nodded "ok let's go" I said walking out and going to find Roman.

Seth Dean Skylar Paige and I looked everywhere calling his name.

Seth walked ahead of us and spotted a familiar pair of black work boots sticking out from an alley ahead of us. "I think we found him!" he said and ran towards them. We all ran following Seth.

Skylar reached Roman at the same time Seth did. "Look at all the whiskey bottles......," she said kneeling by Romans side. She felt for a pulse. "It's very weak. He needs a hospital now!"

I had tears in my eyes and I called for albamunce and they said they are on their way "they are in their way" is said going to Romans side. "Roman wake up!" I said with tears in my eyes.

[06/12, 1:11 am] Donna 2: Seth held Paige close as Dean held Skylar. "Come on bro don't leave us!" he said.

The ambulance came and Roman was placed on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital. The rest of us drove there fast.

We all rushed into the hospital and got told to wait in a waiting room. We all sat down and I had my head In my hands crying.

Seth paced. "I hope he's ok," he kept saying. "Sit down before you wear the floor out" Dean said.

A doctor came out a hour later. "You're all here for Roman?" he asked.

I stood up "yes, how is he? Can we see him?" I asked.

The doctor holds up a hand. "Roman is a very very lucky man. If you had found him an hour later he would've died. We pumped his stomach and got rid of most of the alcohol. He's in a coma from the poisoning," he said.

I cried even more "can I see him?" I said.

"Yes but only one at a time. Miley.....we saw your picture in his phone. You seem to be the one he really loves. You can stay as long as you want," he said and led us to Romans room.

I walked in staring at him with tears in my eyes. I walked over and sat on a chair beside his bed and took his hand "I love you And I need you, Roman, I love you, I do need you" I said.

Romans Pov:

I felt Miley's hand holding mine and I heard her say that she loved me. I wanted to say it back so badly......but I couldn't break out of this dark place I was in. I tried squeezing her hand.

She felt a slight squeezed "Roman, No matter what I do, All I think about is you, I want you to be my boo Boy, you know I'm crazy over you" she said crying hard.

I heard her say that and made myself open my eyes. "B-baby Girl?" I said my voice raspy.

"Roman! You opened your eyes" she said while smiling at me with tears still in my eyes.

"Baby Girl.....please forgive me," I said squeezing her hand tight. "I-I love you. I need you." I moved my hand to her tummy. "Our lil one is in here. I had a dream while I was and I had a son......"

She smiled at me Wiping her tears away "really?" She said "I forgive you Roman".

"Yeah baby......thank you baby......," I said and motioned for her to lean down. She does and I kiss her slowly. "Will you be my one and only?" I asked. "Yes I will" she replied with a smile.

"How I've waited to hear that from you," I said and kissed her again as the gang came in.

She kissed me back. "Awe how cute" Paige said in Seth's arms.

I looked up. "Hey I'm sorry I didn't tell you all.....I wanted to just disappear after my and Mileys fight.......I wanted to destroy myself.....and I almost did," I said.

"Well I'm glad you didn't bro" Dean said sitting on the end of the bed pulling Skylar to his lap.

"You had Me worri---" she clapped her mouth and ran into the bathroom and threw up again.

"Don't worry. I'm staying by her side through the whole pregnancy. And she's having a boy," I said.

Paige looked at me "she told you? She is pregnant?"

"She didn't have to tell me," I said and told them about the dream I'd had.
[06/12, 1:50 am] Donna 2: Skylar whistled. "Wow," she said.

"Oh wow" is all Paige said. "Skylar babe will you be mine?" Dean asked her.

Skylar smirked. "Of course baby," she said. "Paige baby be my girl please," Seth asked.

Dean smiled and kissed her long and slow. "Oh my... yes Seth I will" Paige said smiling.

Miley came out the bathroom after washing her mouth out wiping her lips.

"I hate hospitals," I said "Me too" Miley said the. She turned to see the four of them kissing "Awe you finally all got together then" she said smiling standing nexts to Romans bed.

The doctor kept me there overnight and I was released into Miley's care early the next morning. Man I will NEVER drink three full bottles of Jack Daniels again!

"Good" Miley said kissing my cheek.

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