From The Heart!

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Miley is in the hospital and she is in a coma from the shocked she had from losing her grandad. All of her friends are scared and upset from what happened to her.

Romans Pov:

I sat in the ambulance holding Mileys cold hand.  Tears filled my eyes. She looked so pale and lifeless. "Please Miley baby girl wake up," I begged her kissing her cheek.

We got to the hospital and I was told to wait in the waiting room. Sighing heavily I went to the waiting room and found a chair in the far corner of the room.

I felt something in my pocket and I stuck my hand in and pulled it out. It was Mileys cell phone. I turned it on and saw the selfie she had taken of me and her at dinner. She had made it her wallpeper.

A tear dripped down my cheek and hit the screen right over her face. I wiped it away. I willed myself not to cry. A nurse came over to me. "Come with me please," she said. I followed her to a private screened off room. "You can stay as long as you want," she said.

"Thanks," I said as I walked in. She closed the curtain behind me and I went and sat in a chair by her bed. Miley had an IV in her arm and all these machines hooked up to her. I took her hand and brushed hair out of her face.

I took a deep breath. "Miley.....I don't know if you can hear me but.....there's something I've been wanting to tell you," I began and my throat tightened up. I swallowed hard and tried again. "Baby girl......I have fallen in love with you. I've been in love with you since the day I met you......please baby girl wake up.....I need you," I said and kissed her lips.

I yawned and looked up at the clock. It was close to midnight and I was exhausted. But I had more to say. "Baby girl..
...," I began and cleared my throat, "I can't lose you. You've become someone that I wanna be with forever. I can be myself with you....I don't have to put on a fucking act.

"Miley if I were to lose you I'd probably wouldn't wanna live. I can't see my life without you in it. Please I need you my baby girl."

A nurse comes to the room. "Roman? There's some friends of yours in the waiting room. They want to see Miley but only one at a time," she said.

"Damn it," I muttered. "Tell them to come back tomorrow. I wanna be the only one here! Understand?!" My voice cracked and went high on the last word. "Yes sir," the nurse said and went back to tell them.

"What a crock of shit!" Seth said after the nurse left. "We're her friends too!"

"Hey Seth chill......Roman wants to be the one she sees when she wakes up. We should give him space and leave him be," Paige said.

Skylar gripped Dean's hand. "That makes sense. He really cares for her," she said. "Well let's go back to the hotel and come back tomorrow," Dean said.

Seth sighed.  "Ok. I just hope she's ok," he said as they left.

I sat back down by her bed and touched her face. "Baby girl please please wake up," I begged. I felt my eyes closing and I just couldn't fight sleep any longer. I laid my head by Miley's and closed my eyes gripping her hand tight.

A few hours later I woke in a cold sweat. I glanced at Mileys monitors and she was still with me. I shook my head. That dream had been a doozy. I had dreamed that Miley had died in my arms. And we all were at her funeral and I was crying and saying I couldn't live without her.

I brushed hair away from Miley's face as I wiped unshed tears from my eyes. I stood up and stretched as a nurse came into the room. "Is everything ok? Do you need anything?" she asked as she checked Mileys IV and monitors.

I laid my head back down near Miley's and shut my eyes.

Miley's Pov:

I laid there on the ground. I hear footsteps coming towards me and a cold hand on my shoulder. I open my eyes and see my grandfather standing there.

"Granddad I thought you died," I said. "I am dead Miley baby. You're only seeing me in a dream," he said. "Oh," I said. "Does that mean I'm......?" He shook his head. "No baby. You're in a coma. But its not time for you to leave this world yet. You have people who love you and will miss you. Especially Roman. You have to stay here for him," my grandfather said.

"Ok I will. For Roman. Um where am I?" I asked. "You're visiting me from the other side," my grandfather said as he started to fade. "Granddad! Don't leave me!!!" I yelled but he was gone.

"Baby girl!" I hear Romans voice calling me. "Come towards the light baby girl!" "I'm coming Roman!" I call out going to the light.

"Baby Girl!!" I kept hearing Roman calling. "Come to the light!!" I walked towards the light. "I'm coming Roman!!!" I called.

I was almost to the light. "Roman! I'm here baby!!" I called.

I open my eyes right at that moment.

Romans Pov:

I wake up and see Mileys eyes are open. I call for her doctor as I take her hand. "Baby Girl? You ok?" I asked and she didn't answer me; she just stared straight ahead.

The doctor walked in. "She's awake but she won't talk to me," I said in a panic. "She's sunk into a deep depression Roman. Her grandfather's death brought it on. There's no way of knowing when she'll come out of it," the doctor said.

"NO!" I roared. "Not my baby girl!!! Is there anything I can do to help her?!"

"Just be here for her. You'll have to feed her bathe her dress her.....she's in an infant like state. You have to help her with everything," the doctor said.

"I'll do whatever it takes to bring her back to me," I said. I looked at Miley. "Baby girl here. Drink some water," I said holding the straw to her lips. She takes a big drink. "Good baby girl," I said.

"She can be released into your care tomorrow. Just be near her at all times ok. And do NOT let her get upset or she'll be back in the same boat," the doctor said.

"Yes sir I'll take good care of her," I said as he left. The next day I took her back to the hotel and moved her into my room to keep her with me at all times.

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