Death Of The Authority!

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The girls and boys are all backstage in the girls locker room going over their plan for tonight for RAW.

Miley's Pov:

I was sitting down on the couch talking with Paige Skylar and The Shield and I began thinking to my self about Roman how kind sweet funny and handsome he is. But I can't help falling for him but we are good friends I don't think he feels the same way about me.

"So do we all know what we are doing?" Roman said as he looked at everyone. "Yeah bro," Seth said from his place of the floor by Paiges feet. "Sure do," Skylar said grinning.

Paige playing with Seth's hair "Yep sure" do she said.

"Oh yeah I do" Dean said punching his palm of his hand.

Roman nodded. "Good. They're getting what they deserve. Nobody messes with The Shield and The Bitches of Justice without getting hurt," he said.

"You can say that again" Paige said looking over at Miley "hey boo you ok There?"

Skylar looked over at Miley. "Miley? You ok?" she asked.

I shock her head out of my gaze "uh, yeah I'm fine I just need to get a drink" I got up and went to the door "I'll be right back" i said leaving the room making my way to catering.

"I wonder what's wrong with her?" Paige asked the guys.

"One guess," Skylar said and looked at Roman.

Seth looked over at Roman who was staring at the door. "You would be right. Roman likes her but he's afraid to tell her. He thinks she doesn't like him the same way," he said.

"Well one of us need to go and talk to her" Dean said looking at Roman.

Roman noticed everyone staring at him. "What?" he asked.

"Go and talk to her" Paige said.

Romans Pov:

Everyone was ganging up on me telling me to go talk to Miley. "All right! I'll go talk to her. Be right back," I said and go to find Miley. I find her in catering, sitting at a table with a bottle of Coke in front of her. I grabbed a Coke and sat down across from her. "Ok what's wrong?" I ask point blank.

I shook my head. "Baby girl don't sit there and lie to me. Something's wrong. Tell me please," I said.

She sighed again starting to get tears in her eyes "it's... my grandad.... its not too good at the moment" she said wiping her eyes.

I pushed my Coke aside. "Wow I'm sorry to hear that baby girl," I said, reaching for her hand. I held it gently. "Are you close to him?"

She nods sadly "Yeah, it's Just.." she stops with a sigh "he got worse and last year was going to be his last Christmas" she said as her tears starting to pour down her cheeks.

I hated seeing her cry. I went around the table and sat next to her and took her into my arms. "Aw baby girl," I said letting her cry on my shoulder.

"Its just hard to take it all in ya know" she said crying on my shoulder.

"I know. But you've got Paige and Skylar. And me," I said. "We'll help you get through it ok?"

She nods wiping her eyes "ok let's go and get our revenge on them assholes u call 'our bosses' she said standing up walking out of catering.

"Wait for me," I said getting up and following her.

Me and Miley made our way to the gorilla and met the others there waiting for us.

"Right are we ready to do this?" Miley said.

"I was born ready," Seth said. "So ready," Skylar said.

"Bring it on" Dean said. "Let's the justice begin!" Paige said. "Right let's the games begin!" Miley said.

The Girls music hit and started making their way out through the curtains.

"And making their way to the ring, The Bitches Of Justices!!!" JoJo accounced.

The Girls did their poses on top of the ramp then made their way down into the ring each grabbing a Mic.

Paige pov:

"Right we are our here to get things straight with The Authority, so if you please get your asses out here!! You got some explaining to do!!" I said into the mic.

The Authority's music plays and Stephanie comes out followed by Triple H. She grabs a mic.  "What do you want girls? Hunter and I are very busy and---" she began but Skylar cut her off.

"Just shut your trap and and let Paige speak!" she said. Triple H glared at her.

Triple H grabbed a mic. "Don't you DARE speak to my wife like that!!" he said.

"Oh just shut it big nose!, Why the fuck did you attack us?! What do you have against us huh?!" I spoke.

Skylar snorted at that. Stephanie glared at Paige. "We did what was best for business Paige. We wanted you Miley and Skylar out of the picture. Obviously it didn't work," she said.

Miley just laughed "ha! Well you didn't try hard enough did ya?!, I thought you was the power couple of this company? Where's the power init huh?!" She said stating a fact.

"Watch it missy. We do have the power to fire you!" Triple H growled at Miley.

Skylar snorted. "No you don't only Daddy Vince has that power!" she said.

"Yeah so why don't you get your two asses down in this ring so we can kick your asses!" I said with anger.

Stephanie looked at Triple H who shook his head no. "We're staying put thanks. You wouldn't want us in that ring. Hunter can take all three of you out easily," Stephanie said.

Miley just laugh "oh is that right?, last time we checked he got his ass kicked by Brie Bella" Miley spoke.

"That's IT!" Stephanie said and she and Triple H ran down to the ring.

Once they got into the ring all you hear is

Sierra, Hotel , India , Echo , Lima, Delta, The Shield..

The Shield come running out down from the stairs into the ring.

The Girls and the boys started beating the hell out of Triple H and Stephanie. The guys triple powerbomb Triple H in to the accouncers table and the girls did the same to Stephanie on the nexts table. They all got in the ring.

Miley grabbed the mic "at Night Of Champions it will be Triple H and Stephanie against Roman Reigns and ME!!, oh and your career is on the LINE!!" She said dropping the mic and put her fist out and we all joined her.

Stephanie sat up on the remains of the table glaring at them.

Skylar sneered. "The Authority will DIE!"

They all went backstage into the locker room then Miley's phone started ringing she answered it.

"Hello Mom, what's up?" She spoke into the phone
"Miley!, it's your grandad...He's gone!.." her mom spoke.

Miley just went into shock, she went all dizzy her vision went all blur, all she could hear is.. 'he's gone repeating over and over. Her slipped out of her hand shattering down to the floor and she just dropped onto the floor past out.

"MILEY!" Roman yelled getting to her side first.

"Miley!!" I yelled. "Someone get help Now!!" I said while kneeling down to Miley.

Skylar ran to get the medics.

Seth picked Mileys phone
up and hands it to Roman. The medics come and rush Miley to the hospital.

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