1 - New year of school

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Don't worry the story gets better, I made this a long while ago so expect the start to be bad.





"SHut up." Hitting the snooze button on the alarm, I sit up from my bed and stretch out my bones.

"I hate Alarms..." I say groaning. I was up all night working on some homework. I can't wait for the weekend. My body felt like jello when I stood up and wiggled over to my curtains. The sun sparkled into my room.

Stretching out my bones and letting out a big yawn, the day started.

I walk over to my closet and look through the clothes I have hanging up, "nope...not this one.....already wore it...Oh! this should work." I grab a neon green shirt and a blue jacket. This is what I tend to wear; Colorful, upbeat, and obnoxious. My favorite type of style.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I put on my usual hat and smile, let's hope this is a good day. I head downstairs to an eager silence. My parents were on business trips for the time being. Throwing a party would be perfect right now; if I had friends.

Going through the cabinets in the kitchen, I try and find some food but the only edible thing I can find is a bagel.

"Good enough." I grab my keys, phone, and backpack before heading out the door. The bus stop isn't too far away so I can take my time and munch on this amazing bagel. I look at all the cars going by and other students making their way to school as well. It was nice outside today.

Making it to the bus stop, I sat down at the bench that was built here not too long ago and pull out my phone that has been buzzing. Looking through my phone I go to messenger and notice my friends chatting it up.


Cray: Hey guys, whatz up?

Alphys: Hey Fresh, did you finish the math homework we got from Geno?  I couldn't seem to figure out problem 11...

Cray: Yeah, I got it done! and number 11 should be...X=34, just have to combine the numbers together, so 2x and 4x can be combined.

Alphys: Awesome thanks fresh

Alphys: Btw, careful of the jocks today, they're hanging around the front

Cray: thankz for the headz up

"Great, those guys suck." I put my phone away and watch as some kid trips. The bus finally arrived after about 10 more minutes of waiting. The bus driver opened up the doors and I got on. Saying hello to him I start walking down the aisle. Most seats were taken in the back so I sat down in one of the middle seats. The bus starts moving as soon as the doors shut and were on our merry way. Looking through the fogged window, I watch as we stop to pick up other students.

I was about to fall asleep when I noticed the school right up ahead, "Ugh" The only thing I liked about school was Mr. Cotton our music teacher, he is new this year and after about a month I started to notice that I really like him because he is super cool no other reason. Now we have two music teachers.

I waited for the other students to step off before I did. The fresh air of the morning brushed my face as I made my way to the front entrance. Alright, looks like Alphys wasn't kidding, the school's very own bullies sat near the entrance talking about whatever and messing with some of the freshmen.

Alright, just have to slip past them and then I can start my day.


608 Words

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