8 - Interest?

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  I looked up a little and saw that it was Mr. Cotton, my face flushed red but I wrapped my arms around him and I felt safe.

So warm and...fuzzy.

It didn't last long before cotton let go and looked at me and at my glazed eyes.

"Are you alright, cray?" His voice was soft and he sounded concerned.

"I understand I might only be a teacher but I care about you cray" He would never feel the same way as me. I blinked away the tears that threaten to fall.

"I'm alright, I promise" I tried to sound happy and I tried my best to smile but that failed because his face pretty much said that he couldn't believe me.

(This starts when cray tried to leave the nurses office)
[Cottons point of view]

I grab onto crays hand as he was about to leave the nurses office.

  I hadn't seen cray in my class today so I wanted to make sure he was ok. I care about my students. He turns to face me but he stared at the ground or at my shirt. For a split second I saw his eyes look up at mine and my heart skipped a beat, I know I'm blind but I can still see people's energy.

And Cray's was just so pretty. I shouldn't' feel this way, it is wrong. Maybe I'm just concerned.

I gathered up my thoughts and spoke with a gentle but concerned voice, "Are you ok cray? I didn't see you in class today."

  I waited as I looked down at cray, he answered with "I'm alright, I just wasn't feeling well" he said with a slight stutter.

How cut-, no I can't be saying that. He is a student.

  Not believing him, I wanted to pull him into a hug but I responded with,

"oh, alright. Take care of yourself." I let go of his hand and watched him walk away.

  [Time skip from a sad toast that was thrown away]

After I helped the student and finished up class, I reorganized a couple instruments in the room and started to gather my things.

God what a day.

  As I was packing up, I thought about the teacher that had forced herself on me. I know she has been flirting with me but never did I think she would do that.


"Hey Mr.Cotton~." I looked up from my papers and waved. I believe she is one of the student teachers. She is still learning how to be a teacher.

"Ah yes hello, Welcome to the school." I go back to rearranging the papers alphabetically. A new semester is around the corner so grade have to be—

  Suddenly my face was grabbed and I felt a hand drift down my stomach to my belt. Wet lips were on top of mine.

I froze in surprise.

What the hell.

  I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her off me. Careful not to push her too hard.

"I don't know what you were thinking but I never want to see you or talk to you again." She looked pissed off while she turned and stormed away.

~Flashback Over~

  I whip my mouth out of disgust and lock up my classroom. While going down the hall toward my car, I started to hear a song.

What's that sound?

The sound of the keys being played were quiet but I could still hear them. It was a piano. Could it be Cray?

  I made my way down the hall way and listened to the music become louder. Softening my steps so I was not heard. Soon I found myself at the same theater room I found cray in. Playing the piano.

A Slow Heart Beat (Cotton x cray)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt