2 - A teacher I like

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Here's another chapter!

[Crays POV]

Walking through the doors, I can confirm that I have avoided the jocks, at least for now. Kicking out my swag heelies, I rolled down the hallway toward my locker. I greeted a few friends and high-fived a few before making it there.

"What was it again..uh..32...15....9....flip yeah!" Grabbing the books I needed for a few classes, I shut my locker and made my way to math class.

Once I got there, I peeked in and noticed that there weren't many students there yet, just the normal nerds wanting to not be late. My desk was more toward the back which was pretty nice, no complaining here. Alphy's sat beside me but she wasn't here yet, she must be gawking at Undyne.

She is one of my best friends. Knowing her since Elementary has been fun. So many failed experiments.

  After I sat down, I pulled out the papers and book I needed and waited for the morning bell ring. It was about 3 minutes before class and a few more students walked in. Jocks always make it a habit to come in after the bell.

Bell rings and the teacher, Mr. Geno, comes in and greets us with a hello. He is a very nice teacher and makes the class enjoyable. A couple of jocks walk in and Geno doesn't seem to care much for their tardiness.

"Alright class, Pull out the assignment from yesterday."

[A skip because no one wants to go through math class and others]

The day went by fast. I got to leave my 6th hour early. My brain felt like it was about to melt away but I'm glad I get to end the school day with music. It is one of my favorite classes. Rolling over to my locker to put away my books considering you don't need them for music. Just had to grab a few music sheets. After that, I made my way to his class. His violin could be heard from outside his room.

"I shouldn't barge in."

I leaned against a locker beside his door and Waited; listening. This is the first time I heard him play for himself and not for a class. Since the beginning of the semester, he was always kind to me and helpful. Mr.Cotton was amazing at the violin, I could listen to him play all day. If I were to admit, I might be developing a small crush on him but I don't want to believe that. He is a teacher and I am a student, it's wrong. I can never tell my friends about this.

The sound of his violin stopped, indicating that he had finished. Breathing in and out, I opened the door.

"Hey, Mr. Cotton!" I greeted him and waved even though he can not see very well. Maybe I forgot to mention but Mr.Cotton was almost Blind.

"Hello Cray, how has your day been?" He said as he placed his violin back on his stand.

"Not bad but could be better" He nodded.

I went to sit at my desk. There were no assigned seats so we could choose where. The front was my spot. Being able to hear his music up close was nice.

A couple of students sat at their usual desks as well, and a group of girls walked in. Starting to giggle and fawn over Mr. Cotton. This was a common thing that a lot of others noticed, but didn't care. I ignored this and pulled out the music sheets we have been given and are working on.

"Hey loser," the girl with the red hair said. I don't really know their names yet but they have been bugging me a lot lately. As she was walking past me, she grabbed my papers and threw them to the ground.

"Oops!" she said with a gasp. I didn't want to give her a reaction so I got up from my seat and picked up the papers that littered the floor. They giggled at me and made a few rude remarks. I hope Mr. Cotton didn't see this.

[Little Skip]

The class was now full of students and the bell finally rang. It was rowdy and noisy.

"Alright class, hope everyone is doing well" he smiled. He explained what we will be doing today and how he was first going to give us a demonstration of the song we will be singing and or playing.

He picked up his violin which is in the same spot as usual and began to play.

 He picked up his violin which is in the same spot as usual and began to play

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(Art not mine)

I listened closely as each note was played. He looked so peaceful. In a trance almost.

Before I knew it, he finished up and told us to look at the sheets he had given us a day prior, the lyrics to the song he had just played were beneath the music notes.

"Alright, now try to sing along."

The bell rang as he was just finishing up his lesson, "That's the bell, everyone have a great rest of your day!" Most students basically ran out of the room, I lingered behind a little but soon left.

"Bye Mr. Cotton," I said under my breath. Too shy to truly talk to him.

[Small Skip]

I face-planted into my bed as I kicked off my shoes, that was a long day. I didn't bother putting on pajamas or covering myself with the blanket. As I drifted off, I thought of Mr. Cotton.


Art, not mine.

922 words -

A Slow Heart Beat (Cotton x cray)Where stories live. Discover now