3 - The Sound of a Piano

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I have decided to continue.
I do not own this video or I did not create this video.

( Crays POV )


I smacked my alarm off the nightstand, "Not today" I said as I sat up and moved the covers off of me. Stretching out my bones as I stood up, I Slipped on my little bunny slippers and made it to the bathroom, "Ew, who's that in the mirror? oh, that's right, it's me." I said as I grabbed my toothbrush.

After a good shower, I headed over to my closet to pick a decent outfit for the day. While I was looking for some clothes, I found a light blue sweater that was slightly big on me but it was very comfortable. I as well found a pair of black pants that were still slightly big on me, there as well as a white stripe on each of the pant legs. I grabbed my hat and put it on like usual, my shoes as well.

Walking out of my room, I went to the kitchen and grabbed some pop tarts that I saw in the cabinets yesterday. I looked up at my microwave and noticed that I had some time before school started. Eating the pop tarts quickly, I grabbed my bag and my skateboard that was by the door, as well as my keys that I almost forgot.

I hopped on my skateboard and hurried off to the school.

  Rolling up to the entrance, I kicked up my board up and grabbed it. Hoping the doors were open, I pulled on the handle.

"Lucky me!" I said as I went inside. I walked down the halls as quietly as possible and made it to my locker.

I got it open and shoved my bag in.

  I didn't grab anything from my locker because classes don't start in about an hour or so. Sneaking around the school, I made my way to the room I usually go to when I come to school early. The room was like a storage room for instruments. In the middle of the room sat a piano, It was dusty when I first found it here.

  Thank you bullies's for shoving me in here and locking me in, now I have a sick piano I can play.

I pulled out the chair and sat down. Feeling the keys with my boney fingers I began to play

-(Go ahead and play the video)-

(3rd person)

As I played, I hummed along with the tune.

The sound of the piano crept through the hall and echoed a little. There weren't many people in the school quite yet but one teacher happened to be there.

He listened to the melody and followed it to the source. Mr. Cotton smiled as he peeked in, he could see Crays energy, lovely he thought. He leaned on the entrance of the room and listened, color him impressed, he didn't know he had such a talented student.

(Back to Crays pov)

Once I finished playing the song, I pulled out my phone to check the time, "looks like teachers and students should be waking in," I put my phone away and walked out of the room. The halls were still relatively empty.

Going to my locker, I grabbed my bag and the books I needed for my classes and started walking around the school to kill time.

[Skipping the classes]~~~~

Leaving my last class, history, I shoved some books in my locker and grabbed the sheets I need for music class. I was about to start walking to class until I was shoved into the lockers.

My papers fell to the ground, and a sharp pain coursed through my head. I put my hand to my head and winced, removing my hand, I saw red.

Hearing giggles behind me, I looked and saw it was the same girls that give Mr. Cotton lovey-dovey eyes.

They walked away and into the music room that was close by. I wanted to cry but I shook it off and grabbed my hat that had fallen off my head, placing it backwards. Hopefully, that covers up the crack.

I walked into the classroom with my head down. I sat down at my desk and set my sheets down. The bell rang and Mr. Cotton walked into the classroom with a smile, his smile made me a little bit happier inside.

Looking down at my desk, I wrote down the things he wanted us to work on for the song. I tried so hard not to cry, the pain in my head hurt so much but I need to suck it up, I don't want to cry in front of him.

[Small Skip]~~~~

As I closed the door to my house, I dropped to the ground crying. I rolled up my sleeves and looked and the old scars that littered my arm, the urge to create new ones.


836 words

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