Red Tied 'Round Their Throats (Christmas song reference cuz winter)

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The world suddenly faded back into view, and I saw it was snowing. I was in front of a house- and not any house, but Jeremy's. He was outside having a snowball fight with Michael.

"GOT'CHA MIKE!" He yelled and tackled Michael,  planting a small kiss on his forehead.

"Ah- Get off Jeremy!" Michael managed to get out between laughter. "It's cold!"

"I know~" Jeremy cooed, snuggling into Michael's chest. "I love you, Mikey..."

"Love you, too, Jerebear..." ((SPELLING THINGS)) He breathed out, cuddling him in the snow.

"I-is this a-a bad time...?" I quietly asked, hoping they wouldn't actually hear me.

"Eh- HOLY RAINBOWS ((don't ask.)) IT'S BACK!" Michael screamed, scrambling out from under Jeremy. "JEREMY RUN!"

I squeaked and put my arms over my face, hoping to deflect any hits coming my way. I peaked over them when I realized they weren't hurting me. To my surprise, Jeremy was staring at me, blushing, and Michael was next to him, scared.

"S-sorry I-" I was cut off.


"Ah-" I covered my face again, flinching.

"Stop acting like you're scared!" He shouted again. "I'M NOT LETTING JEREMY GET HURT BY YOU AGAIN!" Tears formed in both of our eyes.

"I- I'm sorry I don't know w-why I'm here I-I just a-appeared- DON'T HURT ME!" I said sobbing and falling to my knees, bowing, and begging.

"Michael, it's okay. Let me talk to him." Jeremy said, stepping forward. "I think he's scared."

He crouched down in front of me and picked my chin up with his forefinger. I flinched, but soon relaxed, looking into his blue eyes. ((I've only seen the bootleg and there aren't many clear pictured of his actor who for some reason I can't remember the name of so I'm just going with the color of his eyes in the majority of the fanart I've seen.)) He smiled, and pushed up my falling glasses.

"It's okay, Mikey's just a bit scared. I forgave you a long time ago, you were only trying to do your job the best you could. It's cold, let's go inside. I'll make you some hot chocolate and get you a blanket." He was so nice to me, and I couldn't understand why. He picked me up bridal style, and blushed. "C'mon, Mikey, let's go inside. I'm freezing." He giggled to Michael.

"Are you really going to just take him into the house? After everything he's done?" He replied.

"He's cold, scared, and obviously hurt. Plus you can see him too, so it's obvious he got an update." Jeremy said, opening the door.

"I didn't think about that. Hey, Squip, do you have, like, emotions now or something?" He looked at me.

"Uh- yeah... It's the latest u-update... Th-the Humane Update I-is what we call it..." I was quiet, but he heard me. Jeremy sat me on the couch, and threw a huge blue comforter over me.

"I'll be back with the cocoa, you and Michael can talk for now." He said, walking into the kitchen.

AND THE NEXT CHAPTER IS FINALLY DONE!!!! I'm in love with Boyf Riends so I might start a book. As you can tell Michael and Jeremy are dating now, but it's obvious something will happen to their relationship. I'll accept suggestions. I'll comment the choices and you will reply with what you choose.

The choices are:

Will they break up because Michael still hates Eric, will Jeremy cheat, will something happen to Michael, or will Jeremy find more interest in Eric and still want to be friends with Michael?

Please only reply to the comment I comment! Choose one choice and only once. I'll only count double replies as one and multiple choices as for the current majority vote. BYEEEEEEE

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