I'm sorry

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I went into my physical form so nobody could see me, and grabbed my razor. I pressed it to my skin when I realized I can't cut in this form. I was forced to change into human, as I laid the razor on my wrist again. I pressed down, and trailed it along my skin. It stung, and blood raised to the surface.

"Squip, are you in there? I'm coming in!" Jeremy opened the door to see me cutting. "OH MY GOD!" I quickly went into physical form and put the razor in my pocket again. I teleported behind Jeremy and put a cotton swab over the cut. Going back into human form it looked like nothing happened.

"What happened?!" I said in a realistic, but fake, worried tone.

"But you were- you- you were just cutting yourself!" He said, pulling up the sleeve of my sakura kimono.

He gasped at the sight. Tears formed in his eyes as he stared at my code-filled and tinted blood. The tears began to fall when he pulled the sleeve of my other arm, which was littered with cuts all the way up to my elbow. He grabbed onto the fabric of my kimono and pulled me to him. He buried his face into my chest, and I myself began to cry. He hugged into me and sobbed, falling to his knees, and pulling me with him.

"Why...?" He managed to choke out. "Why would you do this...?"

I hugged him and told him everything about what he missed; Elizabeth, and everything before.

"I'm sorry, Jeremy. I'm so sorry... She told me I wasn't doing my job, th-that I was a failure, th-that I d-deserved to-to die..." I sobbed on his shirt.

That's when it all went wrong for Michael.

We heard the shriek of tires, and a huge crash. We ran outside, to see Michael's PT Cruiser ripped in half by a 2010 Honda. There were two bodies- that of Michael, and that of Elizabeth. Jeremy screamed and ran to Michael, hugging him tightly. We both knew he was already dead, but the pure shock had us praying he could be saved.

If you didn't exist he would be alive

If you were dead Jeremy would be happy

If you killed yourself they would've gotten married- had a family.







"STOP!" I cried at the voices in my head, falling to the ground, and shaking with sobs. I cried there for four hours, alone.

I'm sorry.


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