A Kiss?

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After about three weeks, Jeremy's break was over, and he was making me go to school with him. I absolutely hated it.

"Eric, please?" It was before school, and I didn't want to go. Over these past three months, Jeremy had asked a little more about me. He asked about my gender and preferred pronouns since I'm technically a computer. I told him I don't really mind as long as he's not calling me "it". He asked if he could call me they, and I didn't really mind. I found it flattering that he cared about making me feel more comfortable.

"I said no." I may have been weak around others, but I knew how to stay stern with Jeremy. "I hate school, I hate Rich, and I hate how stupid your teachers are. How can a programming teacher mix up the code for black and white?" I constantly had to correct the teachers. I knew it was "disrespectful" but I felt like being made of math and code, it was my job to do that. And it was so annoying to hear E=MC2 being said as "Energy equals the amount of mass multiplied by the velocity, squared". Where is the "v" in that equation?! Einstein would be disappointed in the math teachers these days.

((This was just my excuse to rant about this kid who made those mistakes. The "c" is NOT VELOCITY!))

"Please don't leave me alone. Now that Michael's gone, I have nobody to talk to other than you. It sucks going through high school alone..." I could hear how upset Jeremy was, and it crushed me. I sighed, knowing I would've gone anyway.

"Fine. Only if you let me shut down when your teachers are being dumb." I crossed my arms over my chest, glitching a tiny bit. Jeremy sighed leaning his head into my chest. He had brought up Michael and usually shut down when he did something like that. I picked him up and he curled up against me. I assumed I was warm, given that Jeremy liked being close so much. I took off my trench coat, laying it over Jeremy. He wrapped himself up in it as we went out into the cold January morning. It was snowing, surprisingly, and I glitched from the cold instead of shivering.

"You want this back?" Jeremy looked up at me, holding up my jacket. I just smiled at how innocent and cute he looked. He wrapped it around my shoulders as a light blue blush dusted over my face. I smiled as I put him down in his new car.

~Timeskip to Lunch~

I sat, my head on the lunch table, zoning out. Rich knew. He knew who I was. He knew what I tried to do. And he hated me. I snapped out of it when Jeremy pulled me into a hug.

"Who cares what Rich thinks? He's a jerk." He said quietly. Hearing his voice was enough to make me feel a lot better. I couldn't help myself as I sat up and kissed Jeremy. Surprisingly, he didn't push me away. He wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned onto me. I pulled away, blushing dark blue. Jeremy smiled and leaned into my chest again. "I think... I think I love you..." He said almost silently.

"I think I love you too..." I whispered back, smiling softly.

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