My Name

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After about a week from the incident, Jeremy was scared to sleep alone, so i slept in his bed with him. No, not because we're gay. I mean, we're close, but not that way. But we're both gay. Or in my case, technically non-binary, so I can date whoever I want.

Jeremy woke up. "Hey, Squip?" He muttered sleepily.

"Yes, Jeremy?" I spoke barely above a whisper. "What do you need, did you have another nightmare?"

"No... I've just been wondering..." He trailed off.

That began to get me curious, but scared. was he going to ask about Elizabeth? "You've been wondering what?" I asked

"Do you have a name?" He asked bluntly.

"I have a model name, but it's both letters, numbers, and symbols, is that what you mean?" I was slightly confused.

"No, like, a name." He said again.

"If the numbers were letters and the symbols weren't there in my model name, it would be Eric so... Eric, I guess." My automatic was to do some stupidly complicated equation for this stupidly simple question. Damn math.

"Eric..." Jeremy repeated. "Eric, I like it. It's way better than 'Squip'." He smiled for the first time in this past week.

I felt my face heat up, and a burning want to kiss him. Wait what? No, no, no! His fiance just was murdered, no way am I going to- my thoughts were cut off by Jeremy speaking.

"I... I think... I love you..." He was so quiet I could barely hear him.

"I think I do too..." My voice was barely above a breath, but he could hear.

"I know this is fast... But... Can I kiss you...?" He asked. He knew the knew me better than I knew myself. We spent so much time together in that week, I didn't feel it was too fast.

"Yes." I said, already close to his face. I leaned in, and pushed my lips onto his. He kissed back, and I began to glitch uncontrollably. 

Sorry it's short but i had to go to bed early for some apparent reason.


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