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( please listen to the songs that I put up top^, they're what I listen to while I write each page. They are my mood. )


First off, happy birthday Tyler Robert Joseph. That's all.
( it's currently 12:28 a.m. where I live.)


I have started to eat suckers now because of my anxiety, so my mom bought me a big bag of them, they help with it, it's better than scratching at my hand and leaving scars.


I don't really know what else to say, idk.

0h! I'm skipping school Friday and Monday to go up north because why the fuck not?? Also just to get away.

I'm sorry. :/

You shouldn't even read this???

It's just my fucked up mind. And to vent.

It's fine though. Thank you if you made it this far.

- un edited

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