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I didn't think it would hurt this bad.

( play song. )

Me and choppy broke up, she had her reasons she did it. I can't stop sobbing. the song up top ^ was our song, we listened to the one hour version for hours on end together.

I didn't think it would hurt so fucking bad.
I feel like I'm over reacting but I've heard that break ups are like this,

I'm shaking and crying.


Now I'm gonna be even more fucking sensitive when someone mentions the neighbourhood or just even say her name.

She deserves better.

I'm just gonna wait until I go back to school on Monday and then everyone will be like ' I'm sorry' or just like say ' chOppy doesn't deserve you.' But she deserves better, and I bet, when they just so mention a tiny thing that reminds me of her, in gonna start crying.

- un edited

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