9/12/18 :/

34 6 0

wow guys I have not talked in a very long time. I am so sorry. here's some things you should know I guess.

therapy sucks dick so much I hate it.

it's making things so so SO much worse.

My mom won't listen to me though.

I have a boyfriend

I haven't taken my meds in a while op

I got my septum pierced

school started

Kyle pavone passed away ( we cane as Romans lead vocalist) I sobbed so fucking hard. he was one of my idols.

Mac miller passed away. I sobbed.

I relapsed a few times. rip my clean streak ugh

September 9th marked the 8th year my brother has been gone. (He passed away) which had made me even more sad because I miss him so fucking much.

twenty one pilots came back

I lost a lot of friends

I'm slowly drifting away from some internet friends
and it makes me s o b bevause I don't do it intentionally.

I cry a lot now and I hate it because it makes me feel vulnerable

I have a cat

my mom won't let me live with my dad.

I wonder if anyone will even read this cause I re downloaded this app and had over 200 notifications from books and such so I'm like woah did people forget about me. I wouldn't be surprised though.

I went to warped tour and got a concussion and had to leave early because I had an anxiety attack.

uhm idk I still really really hatemyself and wanna die.

My hair is sorta growing out.

That's all I think. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you all in a while.

I'll try harder.


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