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Hi guys/gals/ and non-binary pals:)

It's been like almost a month so hEres an update.

lol me and choppy are not together. Have not been for a lOng ass time. Cause I realized shit and she's a bitch.

I like this one boy, he's in two of my classes but I'm almost 100% sure he has no interest in me.

I might go see superwhatevr March 17th :))

I'm groWing my hair out because I'm sick of people making fun of me for having it short.

I might move in with my dad soon cause. yeah.

I've been super anxious and depressed lately. No I'm not looking for attention, just saying the truth.

People have been gettin meaner :( but last Friday my favorite teacher pulled me aside cause I was getting picked on by these boys and I was wearing my (gay) rainbow earrings and i think he knows about my sexuality, so he goes, " hey hey," cause like I was about to have a panic attack, " don't ever be ashamed
Of who you are or who you want to be. Or even your looks because I heard them, they are very wrong. You are beautiful so do not listen to them." that made me very happy for the rest of that day, but also kind of sad. I dunno why.

lol I still wanna die :)

Jesse Rutherford is still my DADDY, but we all knew that:)

but yeah. That's a short update. I dunno I just wanted to refreSh you humans.

one more thing,

I'm thinking about talking to my mom about my anxiety but she's probably going to be like, " yOure probably just faking it,"
Or like
" I've never seen you be anxious"

But like, yOure not very aware of you're daughter.

Do you even know whY I lock myself in my room?

or do you even look at my sketchbooks

Or the scars on my thighs and arms????

and how mentally abusive you are?

or why I'm always bouncing my leg, or why I scratch at my arms,

or the poems that I write?

but it's okay!
Cause you've never cared anyways.

-un edited

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