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II Name II
"Oh, hello! I'm Skylar it's so very nice to meet you!" He smiles cheerfully at you before bursting into a giggle fit

II Nickname II
"Well my mom always calls me Sky! I don't have a lot of friends so...only my mom calls me that!" He seemed happy about the nickname since he loved his mom very much

"I'm seventeen, almost out of high school!" He clasped his hands together and sighed happily. "I don't enjoy school much."

II Gender II
He looked down at his body then back up at you. "I'm pretty sure I'm a boy!"

II Sexuality II
He immediately blushes and becomes flustered. "I-I️ dont See How this is necessary, but I'm gay." He smiled shyly, hoping not to get judged

II Looks II
He laughed softly. "Aren't you looking at me?"

II Species II"I'm human silly!" He grinned and poked your nose playfully

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II Species II
"I'm human silly!" He grinned and poked your nose playfully

II Personality II
He always looks on the bright side of things and almost always has a smile to go around. He tries to make everyone happy but doesn't always keep himself happy, considering he doesn't have many friends to help make him happy.

II Dislikes II
"I don't like dislikes they always bring me down." He shrugs with a smile
(He dislikes bullies, homophobic jerks, the people that are mean to him, his father, and strawberries because he's allergic to them)

II Likes II
"I like boys." He blushed and winked while smiling, holding up finger guns
(Like he said, he likes boys, intimacy, being in control of specific things, and dancing)

II Position II
He blushed but smirked. "Why don't you come over tonight and find out~?"
(Seke but prefers to bottom)

II Turn-on II
He blushed and bit his lip to hide a smirk.
(Roughness, being pinned against literally anything, neck biting, hair pulling, foreplay)

II Turn-off II
He pouted. "Those are no fun."
(Getting straight to sex with no foreplay, girls, blood)

II Backstory II
When he finally came out to his parents at 15, his dad immediately hated him. He threatened to kill him and beat him to the point he had to go to the hospital for a week. He still has the scars, physical and emotional, but his dad was arrested and his mom took very good care of him despite rarely being at home due to work. 

II Other II
He's allergic to strawberries and occasionally drinks alcohol

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