Adrien love

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"Oh, ah, hello! I'm Adrien!" He smiled warmly.
(Adrien James Smith)

"Some people call me AJ for short, but I'm open to whatever you wanna call me."
(AJ and anything you wanna come up with)

"I do believe i am a boy."

17-20, depending on OC

He blushes slightly. "I'"

"110% human!"

"I'm from Quebec, Canada. I moved to America when I was 10, so I'm not very fluent in French anymore." He rubbed the back of his neck.
(French Canadian. Despite not being able to speak French fluently, he can understand it. He also still has a slight accent, some words still difficult for him to pronounce. Because of this, he is sometimes slow when he speaks)


Mental Illnesses: "My mom makes me take medication for PTSD

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Mental Illnesses:
"My mom makes me take medication for PTSD." He shrugged.
(PTSD, specific anxieties, and Anorexia Nervosa. He doesn't like admitting his mental health because he thinks people will treat him differently and he doesn't want that. But his mental health is a big problem in his every day life)

"Oh! My favorite part. I like apple picking, singing, animals, and fall!"
(Apple picking, all animals, fall, big sweaters, pumpkin carving, Halloween, playing with makeup, walking, exercising)

(The dark, gaining any weight, eating too much, cars, summer, showing off his body, cinnamon (he's deathly allergic to cinnamon), anything that has to do with winter/snow/ice, bullies)

"Besides this gun show?" He grinned and showed off the 'muscles' on his think arms.
(He's really kind and considerate. He's generous and helpful, doing his best to make people happy)

He shrugged. "I guess my PTSD?"
(He's right. His PTSD gets in the way sometimes. He could sometimes just stop responding in the middle of a conversation because he starts remembering everything that happened and he starts freaking out. His anorexia is also a weakness, literally as he could pass out randomly from not eating enough. He's been hospitalized a few times from that happening. He's also a little too trusting and can get himself hurt. He's also a bit clumsy, the poor boy)

"Umm...I'm from Canada, eh?" He chuckled.
(Back in Canada he had a pretty good life. He had friends, his parents were happy, and everything was just going great! He was a little pudgy, but he was a kid and didn't care. But he got a little bigger and kids started teasing him for being 'fat', even though he wasn't that big. But he would get teased constantly for being 'fat', which gave him weight problems. This is the catalyst for his anorexia, though It didn't become a serious medical condition until he was about 12. Anyways, back to Canada. He was about 8 when the teasing began. He would come home crying almost every day and his parents had enough of it. How could someone hurt their sweet little boy? They were going to talk to the principal (he would be almost 9 at this point) and brought Adrien with them. They never made it to the meeting though. It being Canada, and winter, the roads were icy. Normally it wasn't too big of a deal, except for black ice. His mom was driving and he sat behind her, his dad in the passenger seat. They hit a patch of black ice and went swerving out of control, hitting another car and finally a tree. Adrien remembers the play by play of the entire event...especially the part when he looked up, wiped blood out of his eyes, and saw a tree branch sticking out of his now dead father. He remembered watching the life drain out of his eyes, his mother screaming, an ambulance. This is the source of his PTSD, his fear of driving/cars, and his hatred of winter. He ended up with only a few scratches but a large cut on his forehead that would become a large scar. He now kept his bangs a bit longer so he wouldn't have to look at it and trigger a panic attack. After the funeral, he and his mother grieved for a year before they had enough. They packed their things, said a final goodbye to his father, and moved to America where they learned English and tried to move on)

"This is ah, a little personal."

Turn ons:
"Um...I should go..."
(Light bondage when he's a bottom, make outs, groping, lots of kisses/kissing)

Turn offs:
"Yeah, bye..."
(Roughness, pain, blood, rape, feces, ew)

(Is pretty artistic but doesn't agree/admit to it)

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