My girllllll ah love her

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Name: Morgan Paige Harrison

Age: 20

Sexuality: lesbian :p

Gender: female

Species: human

Appearance: Morgan is about 5'4.5" and she hates being short. Like, she despises it and wishes to be taller. She almost broke her neck once wearing 6" heels to try and be tall. She also has a prominent hourglass figure. She's a bit bigger on top(wink), a smaller waist, then wider hips and a poppin booty lol. She has dark brown, long curly hair and the curls are bigger and looser. Her hair goes down to just below her rib cage. The curls at the bottom up to about her shoulders is naturally white, blending in nicely. It gives an ombré type look idk it just looks nice and is completely natural. Her hair is also soft as a cloud. (Not literally she just takes good care of it). For her skin tone, she has piebaldism (which is similar/a form of vitiligo). Her actual skin tone is a dark natural tan, but there are large patches of pale skin on her body. Her chest and the front side of her neck is completely pale with small spots of her darker skin in the mix. The backs of her elbows are pale with small spots but the rest of her arms are the darker skin tone, except for her pinkies which are also pale. Her legs are mostly dark skin on the back of her calves but from the knees down to her feet on the front is pale with a variety of big and small spots of darker skin. Her face is almost split perfectly diagonal where the bottom half of her face (tip of her nose, chin, etc.) is darker and the top half (rest of nose, most of forehead, etc.) is pale. She also has heterochromia where her right eye (the eye on the darker side of her face) is a bright bluish-gray color. Her left eye (the eye on the pale side of her face) is a hazel color with gold around the irises. She also has real heckin' cute dimples. For her clothes, she tends to wear more clothes that cover up her skin, but there's not much she can do about the obvious skin tone difference on her face. She does wear gigantic sunglasses a lot (like Morgan Adams lol) to hide her eyes and most of her face.

Personality/Backstory: Morgan has always been very shy and reserved. She never spoke out, she never tried to get any attention, she honestly tried ignoring people. But...she was unhappy that way. She realized she shouldn't be ashamed of who she is. She didn't need to be ashamed of how she looked, or the fact she was a lesbian. She wanted and deserved to be happy. 17, she took a big leap and Came out to her parents. Who...took it horribly and kicked her out. She lost her confidence and went through a depression while living on the streets and dropping out of high school. She started hiding herself again, now for more than just her skin tone and eyes. She didn't talk, except when she was forced to at work where she tried raising some money. She was miserable and scared and stayed that way for a year. Then she decided...'no. My parents will not define me' and she gathered/earned as much money as she could and moved to get a fresh start. She started gaining more confidence and happiness, and even attended her first pride event! She wanted to be happy, so she would. Though...because of all the shît people put her through for who she was and how she looked, she also gained a bit of an attitude. But she had more bark than bite. If someone was a dîck, she would call them out on it. If someone treated her horribly, she would call them out on it, then go home and cry. Yeah...she was happier. And sassier I suppose. But, she still had a spot in the back of her mind where she just hated herself and wanted more than anything to be normal. She still struggles with being around a lot of people because more eyes means more stares and she can't mentally handle that. The staring overwhelms her, and she could either have a panic attack or just pass out in fear. Though happy, she still struggles every day.

Other: She's obsessed with tea and winter. She loves the cold and sweaters and yummy warm tea to make her happy. She also enjoys volunteering at animal shelters because cute dogs and cats. She has to take anxiety medication so she can actually go out in public.

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