
17 2 10

Full name: River Mitchell Tailor
Age: 17
Sexuality: gay
Species: human

Height: 5' 8"Clothes: usually wears hoodies and sweaters, the occasional  button up along with a pair of khakis and converse

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Height: 5' 8"
Clothes: usually wears hoodies and sweaters, the occasional  button up along with a pair of khakis and converse. He also wears a silver necklace with a heart on it

He's got a small heart tattoo behind his ear and a few scars on his knees, elbows, and one on his cheek from being a clumsy boi

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He's got a small heart tattoo behind his ear and a few scars on his knees, elbows, and one on his cheek from being a clumsy boi. He can't handle his tall legs
Personality: he's sweet and considerate. He always tries to make the people close to him feel good about themselves and he never half-asses anything. He goes all out and when he loves someone, he LOVES someone. Sometimes it's a little too much for some guys to handle and that scares them off, leaving him with a broken heart. But that doesn't stop his compassion.
Cuddles, romantic touching (like hugs and hand holding, not necessarily sexual), strawberry anything, sweets, going for walks, being outside, rain
Being cooped up inside, being along, having his heart broken, being hurt, crying in front of people, hospitals
3 facts:
- he's extremely loving and desperate for love
- He doesn't have many friends since they can't stand how lovesick he gets
- He's super clumsy and falls a lot, drops his things, trips, etc.
Occupation: he has a part time job at a local grocery store
Hobbies: reading, crafting, cuddling, holding his loved one
Medical issues: he has anorexia nervosa, which I will explain more in the backstory
Backstory: as a little boy, he was adorable and a little pudgy. His mom owned a bakery so he helped her make all the sweets and always taste tested every batch, which made him a little overweight. He wasn't unhealthy, well. He ate a lot of sweets but he always ate all of his vegetables too. But kids at school started teasing him and making fun of him for being what they considered 'fat'. The poor kid was only 9 and he started hating himself. He stopped helping his mom in the bakery, stopped eating the sweets his mom brought home, ate only vegetables, and started exercising a lot. At 9, almost 10, he would go on the treadmill for an hour, and do other exercises. This continued and by the time he was 12 he had lost 75 pounds and weighed 112 pounds (with the added weight of growing). His mom was worried but he kept assuring her he was okay. Even though he eventually stopped eating. He lied and said he ate breakfast and lunch at school, but he only drank water. And he only served himself small portions for dinner that he would sometimes throw away. Around the age of 13, he was down to 105 pounds, and only 5' 6 and a half" because the lack of eating stunted his growth. At this time he realized he was gay and came out to his parents. While his mom accepted him, his father did not. This ended in a divorce and him moving away with his mom who abandoned her bakery. At his new school, he met a guy and they started dating. He was desperate to fix the heartache he felt from losing his father figure, and took refuge in this new guy. Who...ended up using him and dumping him which only made him feel worse. He stopped eating period for two weeks straight until he collapsed at school. He was hospitalized for two months since they forced him to gain weight so he could be healthy. He gained about 20 pounds and had a growth spurt, reaching a height of 5' 8". He and his mom moved again to get a fresh start. River was so hurt and ached so bad he sought out any guy he could love and hold, only to get hurt over and over again. Yet, he still kept going back for more. After getting hurt time after time, he would be 15 at this time, he started blaming himself. He thought that these guys were leaving and hurting him because he was gross, fat, and ugly. So...he stopped eating again, and exercising more. And this has continued up until present day, where he weighs 109 pounds, is severely underweight, has no friends since he accidentally pushed them away in his pursuit for love, exercises every day, and is completely love sick.
His father
His mother
Special talents:
He's insanely good at crafts and romantic gestures. He's quite the flatterer actually
Other: he fainted a few times in the bathroom or in his room but didn't tell his mom, not wanting to go to the hospital. He has a fear of hospitals after his last visit.
Position: seme because he wants to make his partner feel good so he won't leave him or hurt him.

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