Third >>

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Thanks to Mrs.HemmoHoran for doing the first part of this chapter! See, She's a good friend of mine. And I'm giving her a shoutout because she got the right answer in my question!! Oh, Am. That's in my other story entitled Concert Queen 2 :) So guys, If I were you. I'll make friends with her because she's really nice and awesome. Lastly, Read her stories too ayt? Thanks! By the way, This is still Niall's Point of View :) Author's Note after this chapter!


"I can't believe it! he is here! what is he doing here!?" I said while gripping at the steering wheel, I cussed. "Why did he came back? What is he's problem? What does he want" I continued ranting about H-I-M.

I parked my car in our driveway, and I stubbornly get out off the car, I step inside our house, and saw no one in the living room. Well? I thought they're here at home? So I've decided to look over the kitchen and discovered that there's no one in there. My pulse starts to quicken, and thoughts are running inside my head.

I quickly run upstairs and searched the rooms, and again no one is there. I don't know where they went but I'll just wait for them downstairs. Scratching the back of my head, I went into my room and was shock that everything was in big a mess. "Ugh. Nevermind" I waved off and throw my bag at the sofa, I moved my supras and changed my clothes. Soon, I went again downstairs... Hm., Maybe I'll just wait for them here. I moved to the kitchen and get some snacks on the fridge then I get back at the living room. But when I was about to get comfortable. My phone ringed, and I saw Gwen's text,

"Niall? you okay?"

I quickly apologize to her and suggested that she should hang-out with Sapphire and Wendy. Here's how the conversation goes.

G: "I'll take your Suggestion, But first let me know if you're really fine."

M: "Gwen, Just please? Stop asking me things about that. You know if I'm really fine. Believe me. Alright? Believe me"

G: "See, You're mad."

I was about to reply something to her but then I was too late for it. My phone vibrated as I rolled my eyes. Gwen's calling.. Ugh, People don't really understand me at times. I pressed the answer button then quickly said.


"What?! I'm concerned okay? You're not even replying to me seriously!!"

"Oh come on!" I exclaimed

"Ni, You're hiding something from me. I know it"

"What made you think that I'm hiding something from you?"

"Because you just left my house without any word.. I mean, You're not even explaining to me what happened" She said almost shouting

"Why are you shouting?!"

"Because you're not like that to me okay?! And I'm not used to it!

"Okay..." I sighed "Here's what really happen-" I should really explain everything to Gwen, Besides she's really mu BEST friend ever since. So.... "Da-" I was about to start the whole story when I suddenly heard the door bell rang. I switched my head into that direction and just looked right at it. I stood up and went near to the door. I was trying to sense who's behind this door right now. Is this a mailman? a delivery man? or it's them. I gulped slowly while leisurely gripping the knob. "Ni? Are you still there?" Gwen uttered, me not even saying a single word.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a tall figured man standing right in front of me, Beside him was a Blonde Girl carrying a Little Cute Girl. Oh hell, It's them. He's really here. "Gwen, I'll call you later"

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