Sixth >>

38 4 12

Gwen's ~

The sun was now definetely shining as we head back home. I can see leaves falling from those old trees and that one and only oak tree which is located across our pad. Everything went natural already, But Niall's still the same. I know that he's not with his self today because of what just happened but it doesn't mean that he should give up and stop his life. He was still leaning at the Window, Not minding that we actually already stop from moving.

"Niall?" I asked softly

"Gwen!!" He uttered in shock.

"Ar-are you fine?"

"Oh.. Yea, I am.."

I smiled "Alright.. Let's go now"

"No! Wait!"


"Wait. Wait here!" He said then moved outside. I was watching him as he jogged over to my place and suddenly opened the driver's door for me. I slipped my head outside and said "What was that for?"

He bent down his head a little a bit and said "Um, Nothing. I just wanna do that"

"Ugh, Stop that. Alright? Stop tricking me with your sweet actions. Hahaha. You  can't still fool me. I know you're still sad"

He turned away from me saying "Fine.. You win.. Hahahaha" It was really Niall, no matter how sad he is : He's still trying to be happy for others. Because he don't want other people to worry for him. It kills him. That's how martyr he is. Hahaha

"Ugh, Let's go" I said walking out of the car then Closed it's door and locked it. As I turned around, I jumped a bit in shock because Niall was standing right in front of me. Like our Face was only few inches away from each other. "Oh my gosh! Niall!!" I half-shouted

He held my back and pulled me tightly near him. I actually don't know what was that for. But what he did was something really sweet, And I like it. "Ow.. Hahaha. Careful Gwen" He said. Our eyes met each other as our face was getting nearer. I don't know what to do right now, Because I'm feeling like there's this spark flaming between the two of us. "No, This can't be happening" My mind spoke as I go away from Niall.


"Maniac" I joked "Come on, Let's go. Mum's waiting for us. She's concerned about her not-so-adopted son." I quoted

"Ugh, Don't be silly this time Gwen. Please?" Niall said, me ignoring his reply.

I walked ahead into our house while Niall followed me at the back. I was about to press the door bell when suddenly (as what I've expected) Mum opened the door. She was wearing an apron and a pair of gloves, her hair was a bit messy and her skin was full of dirt. "What are you doing?" I asked

"Baking" She chuckled

"Baking?" I stated "Seriously? You don't know how to even bake a cookie"

"Oh come on!!" Niall interrupted

"Oh Hi Niall!!" Mom greeted while looking at me in a confused way. Neh? I didn't know that Niall's already waving at my back. "He's not going home isn't he?" She whispered, me swaying my head. "Oh.." Mom softly added "Come in now, Come in."

We entered the house and I was shock when I saw that it was really such a big mess as of now. I don't have any idea how did this happen. Pillows are laying at the ground, Paperbags are scattered everywhere, Packs and Loads of Cans are just there at the center table, Cook Books are opened and what so ever. You know what? When mum's trying to bake, cook or do something that she's really in to at the moment,. Expect the Unexpected. Because she'll do whatever she wants, No matter how and what will be the result.

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