Seventh >>

33 3 12

Important Note at the end! Read it Please? :)


An annoying sound squealed over the room. Definetely, It was really annoying not only for me but I think for everyone also. Sluggishly, I moved to the other side of the bed and layed there freely. I was spreading my arms all over the area, like I'm drawing an Angel pattern at the sheets of my bed. Huh, Weird me. As I moved into another position - I noticed that the guy by my side last night was not in his place right now. Niall left. At first I was terrified and quite paranoid about that thing. I knitted my eyebrows and roam my head around. But no one else is existing in this room. I drifted my body up and began to sat at the edge of my bed. Scratching the back of my head, I'm still thinking what made Niall left this room.

But then as I was thinking those things, Probably.. I should really keep going on because as what I'm seeing, Rays of light were flashing down the Blind curtains. And... Yes, It's really morning. I bet Mr. Sun is shining so bright out there. "Hmp" I hummed as I stood up. Well, I should really fixed this messy bed now. Mum would probably be a nagger again if she'll see my place like this.

I pulled the sheets of the bed and fold it lazily. Yes, I'm like this old grumpy old lady again who just want to fix ways into a simplier and easiest one. And for me, Kneeling down at the bed and grabbing it's sheet is kinda' hard for me. That's why I just pulled them and wrapped them up. I'm not always like this but I think.. I will.. I will be as lazy as a snail.. Someday Gwen.. Someday. Sighing, I lifted my head up to check what time it is ; I was planning to stay in my room for a few minutes more.. sat down at the davenport.. and do my stuffs. Hm, Stuffs? It basically mean Twitter and Tumblr. I'm not into Facebook this days because I'm just being jealous of those students who are uploading their pictures with their Friends. I wanna hate them - But I can't. Still, They're not even involved with my issue. You know? The not going to school thingy? Hm.. I just find them as 'the lucky ones'

Anyway, So much for that. "9.15AM - Sat" My jaws slowly dropped as I leisurely nod. Now I realized why he's not here. It's because he's in school. "Woa? That's unusual?" I said to myself.

Niall won't leave my place without any note on my table, door or in any place here in my room. I remembered the last note he did to me when he really had to go to school and yet I was still sleeping.


     Hi! I'm sorry if I wasn't able to approach you that I'm going to school now. It seems to be that you're having a Very Good Sleep that's why I didn't even bother to interupt. Forgive me for that alright? Hope you'll understand me. Anyway, I kissed you in your forehead. Hope you felt that! I'll bring some foods for you when Class is dismiss. Wait for me Gwen <3

                                   Niall :)

That day, He really bought some foods for me. And they're not an ordinary Pizza.. They we're extra-ordinary. That's because it can only be found in a Fancy Fast-Food Restaurant both of us knew. And we loved their foods there. For real! Hm, Yes.. I think that was so thoughtful and a sweet kind of thing coming from Him. I mean, where can you even find a friend like him? Not all guys are like that. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

For sure, He's at school now. Hmmm.. I wish I could see what he's doing right now.. Oh wait, No - I wish I was with him right now. Of course, Like my usual way of saying I miss you to someone... I slid my phone at my pocket and search for Niall's contact. Then I touched the Message button and start texting him. I wish he would reply to me a little bit faster than he really would.

To: NiallBestyyy :*

Hey? How ya' doing? :) Text me when you're not busy OR you have a boring Professor right now..

I left out a soft laughed then I continued what I was doing because this time... (I'm now really serious about this thing) Mum's gonna be mad of she sees my room like this.


Sorry for the short Point of View of Gwen! I was really running out of ideas and I'm really sleepy as of this moment that's why It's short. Forgive me please, I'll just make the next chapter even much longer or.... let's just say a bit long!

Okay so to clear things up, After the Eight Chapter everything's going to be in a Flash Back mode in order for you guys to understand what happened in the past. I know this story is a bit confusing, That's because I have no outline yet. But I promise to make one and be more particular at each date. So, Maybe. Making some Flashbacks events in this story would let you understand this story. Actually, This is all about Harry, Gwen and Niall. But there's gonna be a lot of Twist in this story. So, If I were you I'd totally wait for that.

Stay tune for more Events in this story. I hope you'll vote and comment on this chapter :) Thankyouu! :*

Aubrreeey x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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