Fifth >>

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Harry's ~

I was driving my way to the University of California Berkely. I wish I would still see Louis there. Actually I'm already late because I told him that I'll be there at exactly 9.30am but the time as of now is already 10.15am. Yayks, Really late uh? Well, It's not that easy to cut classes during Mr. Anderson's class. He's really a strict professor and a grumpy one. I hope Louis will understand me.

A while ago, Niall and I was talking about Gwen. You know it's kinda interesting when you're talking about that Girl. She's very mysterious at some point. Hm., There's this one big secret I have. Nobody knows it except for Louis, Well he's my trust buddy after all. We call ourselves sometimes as the 'Larry Team' Wooo. Ship name baby, So. Yea., Gwen seems to be that kind of Girl I ever wanted since we were in 8th grade. I really adore her because she's very talented, athletic and witty. But sometimes I don't really understand her, I mean why on Earth does she only hang-out with Niall Horan? There's a lot boys out there in Stanford who are much cooler than Niall. Eherm, Like me? Not to mention Malik uh. Questions always visit my mind, What's between the both of them? They're have this thing like a Brother-Sister relationship.. Could it be? Is it possible that they're sibblings? Neh. Whatever. Pfft, Why am I even thinking those non-sense things.

"Gawd, Never thought I was already here" Yep, I think time flies so fast. While I was busy thinking about Niall and Gwen, I noticed that I'm already here in UC. So without any uncertainty, I parked my car and grabbed my bag then I went out. Time check 10.35am. "Oh burn, Louis is going to kill me" I whispered running into the soccer field. Well what da ya say? Louis is always there. It's his favorite spot.

I cupped my mouth with the both of my hands and shouted "Louis!!" He was sitting at the bench and was watching the lower levels playing at the field. I was expecting that he's with some chick today, you know flirting and being sweet with some unknown girlsssss. Hahahaha. But honestly Louis is not that kind of man. He's been loyal for Eleanor for Ages, Oh burn. Like they've been together for almost 2 years I think? And Louis thinks that she's already the one. Uh, Love? I hate it.

Switching his head to me Louis smiled and shouted back "Come here you idiot!!" Ugh, Good times baby. Good times.. As soon as I've reached the place, I sat beside him and said "Yo.. What's up?!"

"Seriously?! What time is it?!"

"Ahm, Wait. -looks at my wristwatch- Oh look! 10.40am. Almost quarter to 11! How about a Lunch?!" I cheered but Louis seems to be half way annoyed "Why?! Wazzz le problem? We're not going anywhere are we? We're just gonna sit here and talk about anything ayt? You want me to come here don't you?" I added while sitting comfortably on the bench

"But what took you so long?"

"Wait.. You're like a girlfriend to me. You have so many questions. Brrr.. I hate it. Don't be like that Louis. It kills me"

"Oh hell now here we are again, Stop fooling around Hazza. What took you so long?!"

"Okay Okay, Chill. Why are you so serious always? Do you have any problem with Eleanor? You know I could help ruin your relationship with her, So that you'll be able to enjoy life an—" Louis looked at me straight in the eyes with no emotion on his face. He's losing his temper now. Oh.. Hahahaha. Nice one styles "Okay, I'm sorry. I'm gonna shut my mouth off and tell you why I was really late"


"It's because it's traffic mate, You know Standford is Quite too far from here. Like an hour of travel or so, It still depends on the road's situation. You know that.. Besides, Mr. Anderson's our professor a while ago. I can't cutt classes during his time. Dude, I owe him big time. He save me last time when I was involved in a really bad situation"

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