The Big Secret

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Rebecca snuck back into the house before Clarke woke up. She went to her bedroom where she drew herself a bath. Rebecca went into the linen closet where she grabbed her favorite towels.  She went to think about what she did today. The words "I did it for my daughter" played over and over in her mind.  

To her, she was protecting the family that she worked so hard to build. Rebecca soaked in the bath thinking about what had happened. She stared blankly at her feet thinking to herself about how she needed to go to the nail salon. When she got out of the tub she went to go check on Clarke. She then went to bed.

The next morning Clarke woke up to a beautiful smell, she knew Rebecca had to be making breakfast and she didn't want to interact with her so she sought to wait her out. Rebecca came to her room telling her that she needed to be downstairs in ten. Clarke did as she was told not wanting another event such as that of last night. 

Clarke came downstairs to pancakes, egg's, and toast.  Rebecca handed her a plate and had her sit at the table. 

"Well, aren't you going to say good morning to your mother?" Rebecca asked staring directly Clarke. Clarke just sat there quietly, she was determined to ignore Rebecca with all her might. "Hello. I'm speaking to you. Answer me." She said again. 

"How can I say good morning to MY mom if she's dead?" Clarke smartly replied. 

Rebecca got up and grabbed Clarke by the arm and put her in the hallway closet and told her to think about what she had done. Clarke screamed and pounded on the door but Rebecca did not come to open it. 

"I'll tell my grandma and my dad when he gets back too." She screamed from the inside of the closet. 

"You're grandmother can't come here anymore. I'll be sure of that. And your father won't believe you." replied Rebecca as she went upstairs to tidy up Clarkes messy bedroom.

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