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- Mama Raised A Hustler

Honesty POV

"Inmate number 15590!" the guard yelled out. Me and Johnny got up and followed the guard to the visitor section. Sitting quietly staring into space for at least 5 minutes then there she was.

"MY BABIESSSS" she slienty yelled giving grabbing us into a hug.

" NO TOUCHING MAM! " The guard warned her. Turning around facing him she gave him the middle finger.

" Ma wassup, what's going on, they treating you good in here? " Johnny asked.

" Boy don't worry about me I'm fine believe that! Are you taking care of your sister, Everything been okay right?? " My mother asked turning her attention on me. I nodded giving her a fake smile.

Johnny toke a deep breath. " You know she gone be straight, but it's hard out here without you or dad man it's hard... "

" Look let this be your last time coming up in here actin like a fuckin child, I know it's rough right now it's going to get better I promise you... mind as well get use to I know you got this John you gone make shit happen "  My mother said wiping away a quick tear that fell.

My mother Harmony Santanna and my father Josè Santanna is known around the country for being the biggest drug lords. Yes my mother herself was a drug lord or let's say drug queen as the system labeled her. A year ago they both was taken it by the feds and had numerous charges. After 6 whole months of the trail they were finally found guilty on all charges and was sentence 25-35 years without parole.

With that being said my brother had to take over the family business and we had to move here in Atlanta because both of my parents were transfer down here because they had too much connects in the prisons up north which pissed the system off.

My mom snapped her head my way. I guess she was feeling some type of way cause I wasn't saying to much.

Before speaking she shook her head folding her hands. " You gone have to help your brother out.. I'm sorry.."

I looked at her like she had two heads. "WHO?!"


Before she could finish her sentence Johnny step in. " Ma forreal yo? nah we not about to do that she don't gotta do nothing but go to school and get the hell away from all this" he spoked truly.

Rolling my eyes. I was ready to get away from this lady. She wanted me to put my whole life in danger like she did when she made that choice to be like my father but her telling me that makes me feel like she don't give a fuck about me. She wanted me to be her cell mate in here or some if she don't get the fuck outta here with that.

After what Johnny said we left that subject right there, I couldn't even look at her in face right now I was ready to go.

" You know this place got here in there thinking crazy sis, she don't mean it she just worried about us " Johnny said as we got into the car.

I chuckled shaking my head. " Oh she wasn't worried about us when they got on America's most wanted list, now was they oh okay "

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