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So, this is a 100 theme challenge prompt I got from and I decided to do it to remove my writers block. :))

Banner by: ForeverJoker


Five years old was old enough to make friends. Heck, even three years old could make friends. But that also means that five years old was old enough to make enemies.  And if you haven’t guessed, I was five years old when I met him: Aiden Cruz.

“Mom, I don’t want to go.” I whined as my mother sat beside me on the backseat of our car. Apparently, we were going to my father’s friend’s house during spring vacation and I was really upset because well, I love spending spring at home.

She gave me an amused look before she pat my head, “Don’t worry. They have a son as old as you. I think you’ll get along really well.”

At her words, my eyes brightened and I turned to her with a smile, “Really?” I asked and my father chuckled from the front.

“Of course.”

But, as they say, your parents can never be always right.

Having arrived at the residence, I stepped out of the car with help from my mother and admired the big mansion in front of me. It was big and really big.

“Mom, she’s drooling.” A voice spoke from my left and I tried wiping the saliva but there was none. Turning, I found my hazel brown eyes staring at a pair of striking blue. His lips were curled in a smug smirk that a boy around my age shouldn’t be able to pull off so…coolly.

“Come on, that’s no way to treat a guess, squirt.” His father, I presumed, spoke as he ruffled the boy’s hair. The boy shrugged and his father turned to me, “Hey, this one’s Aiden. Squirt, her name’s—”

“Stu, for stupid.”

Yeah, so I never liked him.

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