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Kylie Montez here and I’m shaking. Nervous, that was what I was feeling as I waited for Aiden to answer. I had been trying to call him for a while now but so far, I had only reached the answering machine. I was worried because Chase told me that he passed out in the hallway and Aiden never drinks too much except when he’s really down.

Somehow, I wonder if he’s upset about my boyfriend. Because I told him too late, perhaps. He gets jealous easily so that was no mystery but I was afraid that he won’t support me and with the way he is, he’ll probably ignore me until I decided to break up with my boyfriend. It had happened before so I know how he gets. It was during the second year of middle school and coincidentally, I was paired with a guy who wrote me a love letter and Aiden got really jealous that the poor boy didn’t even so much as try as to enter my one meter radius. I don’t know what Den did though.

Finally, he answered, “Hey.”

“How are you?”

“Fine, I guess. Why are you still awake?”

“I’m worried and I got up early. I’m still in bed though.”

“Right. We’re driving there. Meet me?”

“Oh sure, make a girl wait outside at their house at what? Three in the morning?”

“You’ll do it, right?”

I sighed in defeat. “Of course. I’ll be waiting.”

With the line cut, I wore my jacket and bonnet before heading outside. I sat on the front porch and waited for them. It was ten minutes later, I think, when Chase’s car parked in front of the gate and Aiden bid him goodbye. My eyes were drooping but I fought the urge to sleep just because he’s already squatting in front of me.

“Yeah, you’re awake alright.” He stated smugly before he sat beside me and pulled me into a warm embrace which really made me sleepier. “I’ll sing a lullaby. Go to sleep.”

“No. I wanna talk.” I slurred, “You’re not happy with me having a boyfriend.”

“Who said so?” He argued.

“You did.”

“I did?” And I nodded in response. He gave a sigh before pulling me closer and placing his chin on top of my hair. “I don’t like it, yes.”


“You know me,” He paused, “I get jealous easily and that could be the understatement of the year.” I felt him shrugged as his fingers twirled around the edge of my hair. I was starting to fall asleep now but his mint scent kept me still and awake, though only half-conscious. “It’s just that…thirty-three percent you doesn’t feel…enough.”

I raised a brow. Thirty-three percent. And here I thought I was the only math addict. Of course I understood what he meant. Thirty-three percent for him, for my boyfriend, and then for me. It will always be incomplete me because well, thirty-three multiplied by three is ninety-nine not one hundred. Which also meant that there’ll always be one percent missing. He doesn’t want that; he wants the complete me. There’s no definite reason. That’s just who Aiden is.

“Sorry.” Was my only reply before I drifted into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2012 ⏰

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