Chapter 11: Love? What is that?

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                  ~Lexy's POV~

I saw him walking away.. "Wait!" I whispered. He slowly turned around like he was waiting for me to talk, but he asked me "Do you still love me Lexy?" I wasn't sure if I still love him or not.. I was afraid of him..

"No need to answer sweetheart.. I see.. How can you still love the person, who cheated on you and hit you?" "I don't love you.. I can't forget what you did.. it's hard to believe that before two days, I thought that you was about to marry me.. I thought I was gonna be Lexy..Choi.. Silly thought huh?" A tear fell on my left cheek.

He started rubbing his neck again. He closed his eyes in pain. He fell down and screamed. I brought him a glass of water.. "Thank you." He mumbled. Now I was sure.. Sth happens when I talk.. So I brought a pen and a peace of paper.

'-What's wrong with your neck?' I wrote.

"I can't tell you.. I'm sorry.. It's sth personal.." He said.

'-What did it happen with that mysterious man?'

"He left.. He stopped annoying me." I nodded.

'-So why did you do all those things to me?'

"I fell in love with Lily.." He said. These words crossed my heart like a knife.. Lily? But she's Nick's girlfriend.

'-Yes, but Lily loves Nick.. She doesn't like you. She admired our love. Also that night in the hotel.. You were with..' I stopped writing. I couldn't continue.. All the memories from that horrible night appeared in front of me.. More tears fell on my cheeks.

"You're right.. we were drank and wanted to have some.. fun.." A small fake smile appeared on his lips.

'-I see.. So that you're telling is that I wasn't enough experienced for you huh?' I wrote full of anger and pain.

"Yes." He said coldly. "No one is perfect sweetheart.." He said sarcastically.

'-Well, the truth hurts..' I wrote and stood up.

"Are you angry?" He asked so sarcastically and un-emotionally.

"Burn in hell!!" I said coldly and left.

I didn't know what was I feeling.. or what should I do.. Should I hate him for taking my virginity and then telling that I wasn't good enough? Of course yes.. I should.. Finally, he took off his mask.. He isn't the good, cute boy I fell in love with.. he was never a good person..

I went next to a window.. I looked down.. The building was too tall for sure. I was on the 5th floor.. if I fall, I won't feel anything. I'll die immediately. That is all I want now to die..

The only person I loved with all my heart was using me.. He never felt anything for me. I was about to jump out of the building and give an end in my useless life. Then I thought of Seung Hee and Se7en.. There were the closest friends to me. Members.. and 2ne1. Appa yg.. Will all those people miss me? Will they cry for me?

Will Seung Hyun cry for me?

Did he ever really care about me? About my existence?


              ~Taeyang's POV~

Seungri and I were walking-discussing in the corridor. "Youngbae, Do you think that Lexy will accept all this? I mean she loved him.. she still loves him.." "I know, I'm afraid that she gonna do sth stupid.." "Like what?" He asked me.

Then I saw her.. She was standing next to the window ready to jump.. "Like this.." I showed him Lexy. " Omg!! Lexy, don't jump!!!" He yelled. We ran. I caught her arms and pulled her back. "Are you crazy?" I whispered as I closed her in my arms. "I'm sorry.." she mumbled. "Pff you scared us girl!! Don't do that again!!" Seungri yelled. He was as shocked as I was. She hugged me more tightly. Was she scared or sth?

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